Home > 2011 Goals

2011 Goals

January 2nd, 2011 at 08:24 pm

Well, I am ringing in the new year with a lot of uncertainties, making specific goals a little hard. My health is still an issue, so there are irregular medical expenses to be accounted for. Also, I would like to get a part time job, but with my health have not been able to. And lastly, the roommate situation is up in the air. I expect her to be out this month, but I still have not solidified a new tenant.

In the meantime, my January budget is in the red since I cannot include any rental income. I have the funds in savings, but am hoping to get a new roommate in quickly so I don't have to use it.

I listed 17 items on Craigslist and attempted to post the room for rent. However, there was an error & I have to wait to have it clear before I repost.

So, without further ado, here are my goals:

-Continue to figure out my health condition
-Start back to the gym the second I am given the doctor's ok
-Restart Weight Watchers

-Host 7 social events this year
-Volunteer at 3 events, in addition to my volunteer position with the homeowner's association
-Try to have 1 outing a month with the nephew

-Update resume
-Job search within the company
-Start dressing more professionally. The job is pretty laid back, but I want to visibly show that I am serious in my role

Financial: (Each month, I will have a more specific time line on the goals)

-Track 100% of all spending!
-Get new roommate and keep for 1 year
-Fully fund baby efund ($1000)
-Fund car efund ($500)
-Fund medical fund ($500)
-Pay off cc #1
-Pay off cc #2
-Meal plan weekly
-Pack lunches 90% of the time

-Put baseboards in the downstairs bathroom
-Insulate attic in spring
-Clear brush at back of the property

1 Responses to “2011 Goals”

  1. Petunia 100 Says:

    I hope your health issues are resolved soon. Best of luck to you with your 2011 goals!

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