Home > another migrane, ugh

another migrane, ugh

January 7th, 2007 at 08:42 pm

I'm getting concerned, this is my 3rd or 4th migrane in the last 2 months. They never come this frequently. I have a possible theory that these recent ones might have been caused by my pillows. I bought some new ones a few months ago & they're thicker than I ususally like. I've been using them anyway, but now I wonder if I'm sleeping funny & the higher pillow isn't stressing my neck and back, which may cause migranes. I'm switching back to my old pillows today & it'll just be wait & see from here.

This is the first time I've been feeling better all day. My mom was nice enought to drop me off some lunch. I'm trying to stay on the diet today, but its hard because the pain meds make me all weird & I need to keep eating to prevent nausea. I'm doing ok so far. I weigh in tomorrow, so we'll see how it goes.

I had a ton of things to do today, so now I feel behind. So I'm just going to replan the list later & get it all done by next week.

Well today will be a no spend day too. I offered my mom money for lunch, but she refused. I'll do something nice for her next weekend, like maybe invite both my parents for dinner next week.

6 Responses to “another migrane, ugh”

  1. nance Says:

    It could very well be your pillows. Happened to me. Also pay attention to whether or not they are hormonal migranes.

  2. Somerlyn Says:

    I am feeling your pain as I am a fellow migrane sufferer too. I would also check to see if lack of a good night sleep is your tigger too. I had changed pillows once and had the same reaction as you. Rice, nuts, wine, pets, tension, insominea, hormones, it doesn't take much to trigger mine.

  3. nitajaye Says:

    don't worry about falling behind. Just take care of yourself.

  4. nance Says:

    Funny thing is that when I got rid of my ex, my migranes diminished by about 90 per cent!

  5. yummy64 Says:

    Could be your pillows, diet, change in the weather etc. Migraines are so unpredictible. Hope you feel better soon!

  6. Sunshine Suz Says:

    Did the sodas you "Used" to drink have caffine in them? Could it be withdrawal from the caffine?

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