Home > Day One of Challange

Day One of Challange

January 27th, 2008 at 12:57 am

Today was a no spender. My parents generously took me out to lunch, which was not planned. But I didn't give in to temptation and pick up some videos from Redbox. I went home an am planning on watching some videos that I already own.

I have a thing for 80s horror movies. So I'm planning on watching Prom Night and Terror Train Smile

2 Responses to “Day One of Challange”

  1. littlemama Says:

    No need to resist temptation. Free Redbox code that worked for me just last night - MLKING. Enjoy!

  2. Toyguy1963 Says:

    Congrats on the free lunch and the no spend day.

    I love those horror movies too. Prom Night and Terror Train are good ones.
    I'm a big freak for the really old horror/sci-fi movies too like Attack of the Killer Shrews, amd stuff like that. I can't get enough of them.

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