Home > Library dissapointment :(

Library dissapointment :(

May 4th, 2007 at 12:10 am

I was all excited that I received notice that the book The Total Money Makeover was available for me to pick up at my local library! During my lunch, I drove over to the library only to find it closed! Thursday is their normal closed day & I forgot! For some reason, I keep thinking today is Wednesday! Ooops! So now I have to wait until tomorrow Frown

2 Responses to “Library dissapointment :(”

  1. JanH Says:

    I frequently "lose" days! What's funny is to arrive for an appointment on the wrong day! I did that one time!

  2. SicilyYoder Says:

    My friend got the Finacial Peace kit for $5.00 at a yard sale!!! It wasn't even open. I'm listening to it at night.

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