May 27th, 2016 at 02:08 pm
I have been posting about being so close to the 100k goal. I have been within a few hundred dollars and checking every week.
I got paid today and usually wait until Monday to check, but because of Ceejay's post, I checked this morning and I officially have $100,660.76 in my retirement accounts (not including anything in my husbands!)
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Retirement Accounts
May 17th, 2016 at 01:07 pm
Had some small hits in my porfolio, so the large amount that went into my 401k over the weekend did not bring me above the 100k mark.
However, its pretty darn close! $99,549.83. I will take it!
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Retirement Accounts
May 4th, 2016 at 09:15 pm
I am definitely getting excited over the new house. There will be so much more privacy. The lot isn't terribly big (we weren't looking for that), but there is privacy. No looking directly into any neighbor's houses. No house directly across the street (they staggered them nicely & there are trees between the house & the street.
The lot is about 1/2 an acre, which is still sizable. We back to woods owned by a private school that owns a huge amount of land in the area. They have kept that land maintained, but unbuilt for 3/4 of a century. We couldn't be luckier.
We do plan on building a fence, not for privacy but for the safety of our dog. He'll have plenty of room to run around & play with the baby.
In other news, the baby is over the Hand Foot & Mouth virus, but now I have it. It isn't as bad as it was for her, but I feel so badly that she felt blisters like this. Luckily I can work from home and don't feel to badly. Just pain where the blisters are.
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May 3rd, 2016 at 02:18 am
Last weekend, we found the house for us and put an offer on it. There were several other interested parties & multiple bids, but we made a competitive offer and we will not have a contingency, so they chose ours!
The house is well maintained and in great condition. We are getting a good deal in a great neighborhood/school district and we are very excited!
Closing is July 15th, which is perfect for us as we will be renting out this house we are currently living in. Lots of to-dos, costs, etc. But we are being frugal & planning accordingly!
That being said, we had our inspection today. The bones of the house are great - a few small issues found in regards to code changes and needing to meet them for sale. Nothing big or costly for the seller, so we are in negotiation.
In preparation of moving out of this house, into the new one, getting this house ready for rent, etc, we reduced our heavy contributions to 401k to have a heavier cash flow for the next 3 months. That pained me SO much. However, its temporary as we are just storing the extra cash. And the plan is to increase it back in August.
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