November 29th, 2008 at 10:44 pm
So things have been a little out of control for me lately. With eating and with spending. It's been off & on for a few months, but I've finally hit a wall. I am feeling the ill effects of gaining a few pounds back and of using extra cash for eating out or entertainment instead of focusing on savings.
Well, I'm getting back on track. I have a meal plan for the week (following my Weight Watchers plan) and I have a spending plan for this pay period (which started the 28th).
Today I bought cat food & a few groceries. I skipped getting lunch out and made food at home. I'm staying in tonight. Watching movies from the library and free on Comcast On Demand.
Tomorrow should be a laid back day as well. Tidying up the house, doing laundry, maybe heading to a friend's house to play some board games.
I'm going to start journaling my spending again. Never hurts, right?
Posted in
saving on food,
November 27th, 2008 at 02:00 am
The new computer came on Monday. I wasn't able to spend time online until tonight though. I'm so happy to be back online!
Things I've done this week:
-Earned a $25.00 amazon gift certificate with card rewards
-Earned another $25.00 gift card from MyPoints
-Did some really good Christmas shopping using previously earned gift cards from MyPoints
-Applied for a part-time job.
Tomorrow I'm hosting Thanksgiving. I was volunteered by my family but am happy to host since it means less stress for my parents.
I pre-made the stuffing tonight. Bought about 1/2 the groceries, parents supplied the other half. My sister works for a company that has restaurants and brought home some goodies like a pumpkin roll and a cookie cake. Yummy!
Tomorrow morning, my sister is coming over with my nephew. She'll help me prep the turkey/stuffing. We'll hang out for a while & then early afternoon she'll take my nephew to a friends for a bit.
My parents will come over and we'll hang out, maybe watch a holiday movie, maybe play a board game and just catch up. Then my sister & nephew will come back & we'll eat around 5.
I'm REALLY looking forward to tomorrow. We have a really small family now that my grandfather & great aunt have passed.
Hope everyone has a REALLY good holiday!
Posted in
November 21st, 2008 at 01:28 pm
Hey everybody!
My laptop broke and I've ordered a new one. Paid cash for it, but it won't arrive until after Thanksgiving. I'll be checking out the site when I can, but probably won't be posting for awhile. I have to say, I miss you guys! Have a good holiday next week.
Posted in
November 11th, 2008 at 11:51 pm
Today was going to be a no spender, but I ended up at the doctors office instead. $24.54 for both the copay and meds. It could have been worse. At least nothing was spent on eating out 
And as a side note - I just used up the last of my HSA. $1000.00 for the year, and still 2 months to go.
Posted in
November 11th, 2008 at 01:21 am
Lately I've been a lot more social. Which means going out with friends to parties, bars, restaurants, ect. Which means spending money. And I've been spending way too much. I just need to focus again.
SO I declined going out last night & tonight. Made my meals at home. Did some laundry & dishes. And watched free movies from Redbox.
I've premade meals for work tomorrow and I plan on going to my Weight Watcher's meeting and heading straight home tomorrow night. No going out for me
Now I'm enjoying an episode of The Big Bang Theory. I keep getting the random joke references they make - which makes me feel both nerdy and proud! I just got a good reference to the 1930's movie Freaks. Go me
Posted in
November 6th, 2008 at 12:29 am
Just a quick note. The heat is still off. I had turned it on for that day or so last week, but its back off. Currently its 67 degrees in my living room, so I'm definately not suffering
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Electric, A/C , Heat