January 24th, 2014 at 08:52 pm
I had 30 hours of OT in this paycheck, but had to cashflow some expenses, so very little is actually going to pay down debt. Next month, all of the Overtime will be going to it though!
Cashflow: TOTAL $514.87
4 day Concert Ticket: $268.95
Car Repair $245.92
Debt: TOTAL $1282
CC D Min: $238
CC E Min: $58
CC CD Min: $83
Debt Snowball $158
Wedding: $745, which will go to CC A for wedding bands
Savings:TOTAL $20
Holiday Sinking Fund $10
Sewer $10
This work week, I worked 8 hours at double time and a half, and 7 hours above my 40 at regular time. This Overtime will go into my next check as well as next week's overtime.
Next week's OT will be 15 hours of time and a half.
I am crazy busy with wedding stuff, studying for my CAMS, helping friends and family through some difficult personal time, house cleaning and being social. I am in desperate needs of some down time!
Posted in
January 22nd, 2014 at 02:03 am
As we get closer to the wedding, we are paying out for expenses. It is all cashflowed, but still... its money going out.
I also splurged on buying tickets to a 4 day Music Festival near me. Tickets were $260. However, I have a free place to stay and some good friends going with me. I denied myself going the last few years, but know this may be my last chance if we are looking to have a baby in the next year or so after the wedding. The tickets are also cashflowed, no problem.
I am working crazy overtime, so I am taking it from that. Speaking of overtime, I worked yesterday, a bank holiday, for double time and a half. Can't beat that! I was able to work from my couch too!
Today, the snow started. I came home to work from home around 11 and did some more OT. My fiancée came home early too and we spent some time tonight watching tv and being lazy. We both are fighting colds.
Tomorrow, I have an appointment with an endocrinologist, but I am not sure if the appointment will happen if the semi-State of emergency is in effect with the snow.
Tonight, I updated my Debt Snowball calculator to reflect changes from the concert tickets and with the unplanned double time and a half OT from yesterday, it more than covers it & speeds up my debt snowball!
In other news, I just requested a $39.48 cash back check from a credit card. This will go towards my Christmas fund, which is currently at $139.23! Definitely on my way to meeting my Christmas goal!
Hoping everyone dealing with snow is safe...that Ima is doing better and that everyone has a good night!
Posted in
January 20th, 2014 at 02:03 pm
Yesterday, I attended a Bridal Show with my family and some of my Future Husband's family. It was a really good time. It was free and we got lots of freebies! I came home with:
-Free food
-4 Pens
-Travel hand sanitizer
-Travel Mints
-Lip balm
-Travel tissues
-Coupon for a free brow wax
-2 large things of post-it tags
-a compact
-2 folders
-a reusable bag (large!)
-3 bottles of water
-Free fashion show
-Time with my Mom, sister, Future Mother in law, Best friend and two Future Sisters in Law!
Posted in
January 8th, 2014 at 02:21 am
I know its the cold weather & packing up Christmas, but I am completely itching to organize, clean & purge the house from top to bottom.
During my lunch break at work, I was looking at organizing blogs to get ideas. I am such a mess LOL
So, I worked 7am to 4pm today, ran to the liquor store and came home.
Then, I got to work on the To-Do List/house stuff for a bit
-Called about balance on Medical bill - doctors office was incorrect as I suspected!
-Made appointment for wedding registry
-Ordered Bridal Show Tickets (free!)
-Paid bills
-Organize pantry
-I put a 12 pack of beers that FH received as a gift for Christmas into the fridge. Then I cut the top off the box and put my reusable bags and folding drink carriers in it. Then put it in the pantry. I LOVED the extra organization!
Here's a before & after (in the pantry)

-Worked 2 hours Overtime from home
-Ran dishwasher
-Cleaned kitchen
-Vacuum kitchen floor
-Washed out recycling bin
-Cleaned out kitchen junk drawer
I am working from home tomorrow and on my breaks/lunch, I hope to be able get some more cleaning/organizing done.
**edited to add: Sorry about the sideways pictures, the upload changed the orientation twice!**
Posted in
January 6th, 2014 at 07:03 pm
Getting a great start on my 2014 Christmas Fund!
I currently have:
$55.71 from credit card rewards.
$6.00 in price change refunds from previously purchased gifts
$0.05 in interest from ING
$20 (2 $10 auto deductions from checking to ING account once a month)
TOTAL $81.76
I just requested
$32.47 from Inbox Dollars
$25.00 in credit card rewards
TOTAL $57.47 (New Total will be $139.23)
I am expecting
- to request $33 from a cc when the points post 1/20
-9 Ebates when they mail 2/15
TOTAL $42 (Next New Total will be $181.23)
Each month, $10 goes inot the account and obviously there is a bit of interest. I definitely call this a great start!
That's a pretty darn good start, don't you say!
Posted in
January 6th, 2014 at 02:10 pm
Just wanted to keep a coupon/Gift card inventory for myself.
-$5 Seasons Pizza Gift Card (Exp Dec 2014)
-$15 Wawa Gift Card (no Exp)
-$10 AC Moore Gift Card (no Exp)
-$5 McDonalds (no Exp)
-$10 Starbucks (no Exp)
-4 tickets to a local Museum (no expiration)
-$10 Living Social for food at a local restaurant (gift)
-$30 to a Winery (gift)
-$30 to a Nail Salon (xmas gift!)
-2 free 12 packs of Coke
25% off VistaPrint
Posted in
January 6th, 2014 at 03:05 am
Today's spending was groceries $92.xx. We are definitely stocked up though!
I made lunch at home - healthy pasta salad
Dinner was my weekly Sunday dinner with friends. I was 'off' this week. We had tacos as Main, rice as Side and apple turnovers for dessert. YUM
I have food packed for work tomorrow - trying to get back on the healthy kick!
I caught up on episodes of Lost Girl and I also did some studying for my CAMs. I set my Exam date for 3/3/14. SO I HAVE to stay on top of studying!
Tomorrow, I work from 7am to 4pm and then 5:30-7:30. I am hitting the gym after 4 and then working from home for my OT tomorrow night.
Dinner will be from the freezer. I am thinking meatloaf muffins and baked potatoes...with salad for veggies.
Posted in
January 5th, 2014 at 04:35 am
Feeling a bit of energy after 6+ hours of sleeping off a migraine today. So I put the laundry away and cleaned out the closet. I was able to put a big trash bag of clothes together for Goodwill!
Then I got super-organized and put together outfits for Sunday through Friday, complete with jewelry!
Next, I plan to put together bags for the gym. Shoes, clothes, ect all ready to go for Monday, Tues & THursday.
Last thing tonight, I will be putting together a meal plan as I am grocery shopping tomorrow!
Posted in
January 5th, 2014 at 12:42 am
Lucky me had a migraine today. I had to cancel my plans to go to an 80's dance party with friends. Which stinks as someone had given me free tickets to the event.
FH took care of me and grabbed some food/supplies to make it through.
Frugal things for today:
-Started using the free calendar I received for 2014
-Received Freebies from Scotch
-Sorting out closet & packing things away to go to Goodwill
I am tracking my spending so far:
1/2 $8.54 Lunch
1/3 $14.48 Lunch delivered
$7.99 Netflix (auto deduction)
$40.00 Dinner (work happy hour for future hubby's office)
1/4 NO SPEND (FH bought lunch/groceries since I was sick)
Posted in
January 3rd, 2014 at 01:01 am
My future hubby & I went and picked out our wedding bands on NYE. I also had some unexpected car repairs that same day. Both amounts went onto a card, which will be paid in full before the due date. I have recalculated my 'overall debt' figures to incorporate that 'debt' as it's now in my cashflow/debt snowball since its being paid off through the wedding account & cashflow from my overtime.
So its not debt in the sense of carrying over the balance, but I want to track the cashflow of the payoff. I pay no interest & get rewards points. And it's being paid off in under 30 days.
So as I am tracking my spending for the year, here is what I have so far:
Wednesday 1/1/14 NO SPEND DAY
Thursday 1/2/14 $8.54 on lunch (entertainment spending)
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