Home > Jan 24 Debt Repayment & Savings

Jan 24 Debt Repayment & Savings

January 24th, 2014 at 08:52 pm

I had 30 hours of OT in this paycheck, but had to cashflow some expenses, so very little is actually going to pay down debt. Next month, all of the Overtime will be going to it though!

Cashflow: TOTAL $514.87
4 day Concert Ticket: $268.95
Car Repair $245.92

Debt: TOTAL $1282
CC D Min: $238
CC E Min: $58
CC CD Min: $83
Debt Snowball $158
Wedding: $745, which will go to CC A for wedding bands

Savings:TOTAL $20
Holiday Sinking Fund $10
Sewer $10

This work week, I worked 8 hours at double time and a half, and 7 hours above my 40 at regular time. This Overtime will go into my next check as well as next week's overtime.

Next week's OT will be 15 hours of time and a half.

I am crazy busy with wedding stuff, studying for my CAMS, helping friends and family through some difficult personal time, house cleaning and being social. I am in desperate needs of some down time!

3 Responses to “Jan 24 Debt Repayment & Savings”

  1. Rachael777 Says:

    First of all great job w all the overtime (wow. wish I had that) and what is a 'sinking fund'?

  2. Petunia 100 Says:

    Goodness, you are really racking up that OT and DT!

  3. HouseHopeful Says:

    Thanks, Petunia! I can't keep up those hours forever, but while I can, I am taking advantage!

    Rachael - A sinking fund is savings for expenses that I know come up throughout the year - vet, medical, etc. I put money in each month and pay for those expenses out of it throughout the year as needed, sinking the fund as I continue to build it.

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