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Archive for July, 2013
July 30th, 2013 at 02:06 am
My employer offers a program through the medical insurance for gym memberships. I pay them $25 start up and $25/month and through their program, I have access to multiple chain gyms for less than what the gym itself charges.
I signed up today and am able to go to any of these chain locations PLUS I can use this membership to sign up with another regional chain which offers classes. I am really excited!
I am also doing Weight Watchers online, which costs less than the meetings. I also am finding that I am eating less, which means less food costs Thanks to the Farmer's Market, I can easily get fresh fruits/veggies/dairy for cheap!
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July 25th, 2013 at 03:44 am
I have a bunch of medical bills rolling in - new deductible to be met - oh joy.
I am doing any extra little thing for extra funds
-Earned $5 from recyclebank
-Been entering in MyCokeRewards. I am working to quit soda, but my fiancée still drinks it and my friends give me their caps/codes from time to time
-I have been slacking on Swagbucks, but am going to get back on the horse with that!
-I signed up for a rewards program through my healthcare provider, earning points towards something that I can use as a Christmas gift
-I am trying to sell my inherited furniture - some interest, but no actual deals so far
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July 23rd, 2013 at 12:56 am
My local electric provider is having 2 energy saving programs. Of course, I signed up for both.
One, we are enrolled in Peak savings days. When there is one, they notify you the day before. You can get $1.25 off every kilowatt hour you reduce your energy use below your base line during this period (usually 4 hours).
Two, you can have a programmable thermostat installed and during these days (usually weekday, mid-day) and they will cycle down your air conditioner (I chose 50%). There was a $40 credit for installing it AND its programmable via phone & computer, which I find to be a HUGE perk!
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Electric, A/C , Heat
July 8th, 2013 at 11:24 pm
In the last few weeks, I have been putting items on Craigslist and on a Facebook 'Classifieds' group page for my area.
So far, I have earned $65
-$5 Pier 1 Book
-$20 Decorative bed pillows
-$10 old microwave
-$10 very old computer monitor
-$20 set of collectable glasses
I have some furniture, another monitor, and some other items that I have/will be putting online. All proceeds go to the Wedding/Honeymoon fund!
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July 8th, 2013 at 11:10 pm
My recent (starting this summer) Craigslist sale proceeds are all going to the wedding/honeymoon fund.
I have sold:
-a Pier 1 book $5
-decorative bed pillows $20
-an old microwave $10
-a very old computer monitor $10
-a set of collectable glasses $20
for a total profit (so far) of $65. I will take it!
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July 8th, 2013 at 06:58 pm
Today is the last day of my staycation. I had a huge to-do list in the beginning, most of which I did not get done.
So today, I dedicated to 'getting my house & life in order'. I got a lot accomplished and it's only 2pm. I think a nap is in order. Then, I will be doing a few more things and resting.
I woke up this morning and got started as my fiancee left for work.
put away all clothes - DONE
organized work outfits for Tues-Friday - DONE
cleaned under bed - DONE
cleaned out nightstand drawer - DONE
wipe off fan - DONE
make bed - DONE
clean walk in closet - DONE
organize jewelry - DONE
dust bedroom - DONE
vacuum bedroom - DONE
scrubbed window junk from closet - partial DONE
made breakfast (8:45 am) - DONE
updated cokerewards - DONE
clean kitchen - DONE
wipe table - DONE
care for plants - DONE
scrub counters - DONE
put away dishes - DONE
wipe cabinets - DONE
organize pantry - DONE
wash floor - DONE
caught up on blogs - DONE
meal plan - DONE
went through wedding magazines, tore out tips & pics I want to keep, recycled the rest - DONE (10:45)
In between, movies/tv running, internet time and playing with the kitties
clean downstairs bathroom - DONE
clean downstairs bathroom floor - DONE
wash upstairs bath floor - DONE
call & check in on mom - DONE
make lunch 11:30 - 12:30
clean upstairs bath - DONE
Rewash bathroom floor - DONE
Set up desk in spare room - DONE
dust & vacuum around fiancee's stuff in 2nd room - DONE
put away cleaning supplies - DONE
Listed items on Craigslist - DONE
emailed friends (been trying to stay in touch more) - DONE
decluttered living room - DONE
dust living room - DONE
vacuum living room - DONE
organize entryway - DONE
sell collectable glasses to woman from FB group - DONE
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July 4th, 2013 at 01:48 am
Today was a good staycation day! I slept in (until 11am which NEVER happens!). Then met some people for craigslist sales (Total earnings up to $55).
I made lunch at home, took a 2 hour nap, snuggled with kitties & cleaned a little. The fiancée did some grocery shopping on his way home, so the only spending I did was an impulse stop to the little veggie stand by my house for a bag of russet potatoes $2.49.
Tonight, the boy made dinner (YUMM) and we rented a movie (21 and Over). Now relaxing on the couch, with a drink in hand.
Tomorrow, we have some friends coming over for the 4th. Doing hamburgers, hot dogs & pasta salad. One is bringing dessert and one is bringing a veggie tray. We will probably watch Pitch Perfect for the 100th time somewhere in there too!
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July 3rd, 2013 at 01:46 am
Since I am off this week, I am putting a bunch of things on craigslist and on a facebook online yardsale group.
So far, I have sold a decorative pier one book ($5), 2 sets of decorative Pillows (20), a microwave ($10).
Now I am attempting to sell some furniture and other nick-nacks as well as some of my fiancée's stuff (extra computer monitors, ect). The more I purge, the better I feel!!
Every bit of the funds of the sales goes towards our wedding/honeymoon fund!
I signed my wedding venue contract today & tried on some wedding dresses. Ended up spending $0 today!
Posted in
July 2nd, 2013 at 01:22 am
So I have attempted to post several times in the last few days and lost the entry every.single.time. I will be copying before submitting this time! LOL
This week, I am on staycation! I have many things on my to-do list and who knows what I will get done
Saturday, I spent the day with my sister & kids at their pool (FUN!), Saturday night was a lazy night in.
Sunday, it was raining non-stop so I was lazy and in the evening, did Sunday dinner with friends and watched Dexter & True Blood.
Today, I had a doctors appointment, hit the grocery store, cleaned, met with my friend to see her new baby, cleaned some more, met a person to sell from Craigslist, made dinner. Now I have my feet up and am getting some of my online to-do's complete.
Financial stuff:
-I sold a toy for my nephew for $15
-I received my retirement rollover check today and will be submitting to my newly opened Sharebuilder IRA
-I finalized the rollover of my old 401k to an IRA
-consolidated some medical expenses to make them cheaper
-made a meal plan
-put 2 sets of decorative pillows on craigslist (set up a meet tomorrow for $16 total
-put the fiancée's old microwave on craigslist for $10 (old, but working). Meet is set up for tomorrow.
-paid some bills
-sent an email requesting quotes from my mortgage guy for a refinance. I had looked into it last year and was side-tracked by medical issues
I plan on putting more items up on Craigslist (and an online forum on FB). The boyfriend has 2 computer monitors to put out and I have a bunch of furniture as well. Any money made is going to our joint Wedding Fund!
Tomorrow, I am going to sign the contract for the wedding venue, having lunch with my parents and maid of honor after. In the afternoon, the ladies are going wedding dress shopping! SO fun!
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