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June 20th, 2021 at 01:37 am
Its been a long time since I have posted (started blogging back in 2006). Hello to anyone who remembers me!
Reintroducing myself, I am a 42 year old married Mom of 1. My daughter finished her 1st school year (Kindergarten) during Covid. My husband and I, both working full time and have been employed remotely through the pandemic.
Current Stats:
-Debt Free, except a $10k car loan and our house
-Household income of $195,290 in a medium cost of living area.
-Outside of slush fund savings (Household, Annual expenses, Holidays, Vacation, etc), we have $45,332.15 in an Emergency Fund, $4,378.62 in a New To Us Car Fund, $7,440.31 in house renovations Fund.
-Retirement funds (401k and IRA) total $505,449.96
-In 2020-2021, we cashflowed (PLANNED) projects of a new fence and upgraded deck, which was put to use while being home so much more.
--My husband and I are putting 17% each towards our 401ks and about $400 to EF each month
-We just refinanced out home to a 15 year mortgage at 2.25%
Upcoming goals:
Our family is getting to a good position, but we always have goals to strive toward.
I'd like our true Emergency Fund to stay at a 6 month emergency fund (net of what we currently make).
We need a new stove soon. We're limping along and will for a bit more.
We are looking to paint the house interior. We will handle what we can on our own, but there is some house settlement that we need addressed as well. The overtime I've saved will go towards that (but not all).
We plan on a nicer vacation in 2022, but a few long weekend vacations in 2021 and will cashflow those. We just took a 2 night, 3 day trip to Great Wolf Lodge and used coupons, Groupon and Rakuten to save money. We also packed food, drinks and adult beverages for the room and ate outside of the 'resort' for some dinners.
I hope that going forward, I will be able to catch up with everyone posting here and to be able to post an update at least once a week.
Its good to be back!
Posted in
Retirement Accounts
January 16th, 2018 at 03:46 pm
2017 401k Personal Contribution: $16,802.21
2017 401k Company Match: $6300.80
TOTAL 401k Contribution $23,103.01
*this does not include the #s for my husband
Posted in
Retirement Accounts
September 12th, 2017 at 02:38 pm
401k Update (Self only)
Personally Contributed $11,710.92 YTD
Company Matched $4,391.84 YTD
TOTAL Contributions YTD: $16,102.76
Current Personal Retirement Balance Total (without Spouse) $141,464.07 (UP from $119,755.27 on Jan 10th)
H.S.A Cash Amount: $43.24
H.S.A Investigated Account: $1743.20
Y.S.A (H.S.A) Account: $1916.36
Health Savings Accounts Total: $3702.80
Non-Mortgage DEBT UPDATE:
CC B (0%) $6,281.41
CC P (0%) $2,171.38
CC W (0%) Furniture Purchase $1754.35
CC B (PIF Monthly) $48.48
CC AZ (PIF Monthly) $66.31
CC T (PIF Monthly) $208.44
TOTAL: $10,530.37
SLUSH FUND SAVINGS UPDATE (to be used throughout the year as irregular expenses occur):
Facebook Kid Sales (sale & purchase of items for the 2 year old via yard and FB sales) $199.50
Facebook House Sales (sale & purchase of items for the house) $41.00
Clothing Fund: $60
2017 Gifts Fund $1271.00
2018 Gifts Fund $140.13 (all from free sources of income)
House Slush Fund $329.94
Home Upkeep $52.29
Medical Slush $93.26
Auto Slush $320.84
Membership Slush $52.48
2017 Gifts Fund $1271.00
Car Insurance Savings $195 (paid bi-yearly)
Joint Savings: $500.19
EF1 Savings: $13,000
EF2 Savings $3855.03
2018 Gifts Fund $587.23 (all from free sources of income)
Nephew UGMA Acct: $947.74
Daughter UGMA Acct: $300.01
Daughter 529: $752.81
CC Repayment: $184
Posted in
Retirement Accounts
December 28th, 2016 at 11:30 pm
In 2016, I was able to contribute the following:
$14,747.02 My Contribution
$ 6,785.30 Employer Match
$21,532.32 TOTAL CONTRIBUTION in 2016
Because of increased contribution percentage, plus overtime, this is the best contribution amount I have had before and definitely the largest employer contribution amount! Woohoo!
Posted in
Retirement Accounts
December 9th, 2016 at 01:21 am
Retirement update as of 12/8/16
$117,088.35 (not including my husband's 401k).
Posted in
Retirement Accounts
November 1st, 2016 at 05:24 pm
New Retirement Account Balances (without my husband's, which is about $60k at the moment)
HSA Balance: $$1,375.16
Posted in
Retirement Accounts
September 20th, 2016 at 02:30 pm
Last count, the retirement accounts total was $109,610.23 on 8/26
Today, its $110,054.89. I will take that!
Posted in
Retirement Accounts
August 26th, 2016 at 06:32 pm
Personal Retirement Accounts Total: $109,610.23
Spouse’s 401k $50,694.93
Little One’s Savings: (at age 1 year)
529: $318.90
Kids Savings: $153.31
Home Fund: $500
EF: $88.51
Slush Fund: $626.50
Home Upkeep: $123.11
Medical: $310.54
Auto Savings (just had a car repair): $60.60
Vacation Fund: $0.29
Memberships: $39.14
Clothing: $29.47
2016 Gifts Fund: $1583.40
Rental Property EFund: $223.96
Nephew Car Fund (partially funded by him) $782.08
H.S.A Medical Savings:
Ebates: $19.13
Amazon Gift Cards: $15.00
CC Rewards $14.96
CC Rewards 2 $49.48
BING 1 455/475 for $5 Amazon Gift Card Goal
BING 2 354/525 for $5 Amazon Gift Card Goal
My Coke Rewards1 372/670 for $10 Gift Card
My Coke Rewards2 422/670 for $10 Gift Card
Posted in
Retirement Accounts
August 1st, 2016 at 12:12 am
I have $107,362.92 in retirement accounts as of 7/29 not including DH's accounts!
Posted in
Retirement Accounts
May 27th, 2016 at 02:08 pm
I have been posting about being so close to the 100k goal. I have been within a few hundred dollars and checking every week.
I got paid today and usually wait until Monday to check, but because of Ceejay's post, I checked this morning and I officially have $100,660.76 in my retirement accounts (not including anything in my husbands!)
Posted in
Retirement Accounts
May 17th, 2016 at 01:07 pm
Had some small hits in my porfolio, so the large amount that went into my 401k over the weekend did not bring me above the 100k mark.
However, its pretty darn close! $99,549.83. I will take it!
Posted in
Retirement Accounts
April 19th, 2016 at 02:52 pm
Friday's payday contributions hit and I am now at $98,361.76! I am just so darn close!
Posted in
Retirement Accounts
April 15th, 2016 at 03:20 pm
Today was payday & my 401k contributions/match aren't showing in my account yet, but I am pretty happy to say that I am pretty close to meeting 100k in my personal retirement accounts (my husbands are not included).
IRA AF: $16,417.01
IRA JP1: $44,512.37
IRA JP2: $2,006.63
VG 401k: $33,983.48
TOTAL: $96,919.49
SOOOO close I can taste it! Today's check includes $734.29 and match $275.36 will get me a little close. I can't wait to see that magic number!
Posted in
Retirement Accounts
March 22nd, 2016 at 12:17 pm
AF 401k Rollover $16,075.90
JPM1 401k Rollover $43,610.12
JPM2 401k Rollover $1,951.46
Vanguard 401k $32,663.13
TOTAL $94,300.61
Posted in
Retirement Accounts
January 20th, 2016 at 12:31 pm
I have 31 hours of Overtime in this paycheck. I am happy to say that it increases my 401k contribution by $222.21 and increases the company match by $95.24. This is an extra $317 towards the 401k!
Posted in
Retirement Accounts
November 12th, 2015 at 07:14 pm
Latest Update of retirement accounts without husband's.
IRA AM: $16,196.94
401k: $25,310.47
IRA JP1 $44,835.77
IRA JP2 $2072.85
TOTAL $88,416.03
Posted in
Retirement Accounts
July 9th, 2015 at 02:07 am
I have been bitten by the bug - I joined PersonalCapital. Its something I have seen a lot of recently on the personal finance sites. I am utilizing it mainly for retirement tracking & am so far loving it.
I FINALLY got the new info for my husband's 401k, so I can track his as well as mine again 
IRA Rollover: $16,107.64
IRA Rollover 2: $44,739.96
IRA Rollover 3: $2190.45
My 401k $20,225.07
Husband's 401k $40,978.14
TOTAL Retirement Accounts: $124,241.26
I am looking to increase my HSA next year & hope to invest through that account as well!
Posted in
Retirement Accounts
June 15th, 2015 at 01:31 pm
Friday's Paycheck added $410.64 to my 401k, plus $205.32 Company Match, for a total of $615.96.
There were some slight losses in my Retirement accounts from the last pay period, so my overall Retirement Investments actually slightly decreased.
Previously, balances totaled $84,304.42.
New Balances Total: $84,257.33
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Retirement Accounts