Home > Retirement Accounts & Savings Updates:

Retirement Accounts & Savings Updates:

August 26th, 2016 at 06:32 pm


Personal Retirement Accounts Total: $109,610.23
Spouse’s 401k $50,694.93

Little One’s Savings: (at age 1 year)

529: $318.90
Kids Savings: $153.31


Home Fund: $500
EF: $88.51
Slush Fund: $626.50
Home Upkeep: $123.11
Medical: $310.54
Auto Savings (just had a car repair): $60.60
Vacation Fund: $0.29
Memberships: $39.14
Clothing: $29.47
2016 Gifts Fund: $1583.40
Rental Property EFund: $223.96
Nephew Car Fund (partially funded by him) $782.08

H.S.A Medical Savings:



Ebates: $19.13
Amazon Gift Cards: $15.00
CC Rewards $14.96
CC Rewards 2 $49.48
BING 1 455/475 for $5 Amazon Gift Card Goal
BING 2 354/525 for $5 Amazon Gift Card Goal
My Coke Rewards1 372/670 for $10 Gift Card
My Coke Rewards2 422/670 for $10 Gift Card

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