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Archive for July, 2015

Payday Tomorrow!

July 23rd, 2015 at 09:16 pm

Tomorrow is Payday. My check went online yesterday, so I was able to pre-budget with OT.

After I pay normal bills out of this paycheck: Cell, mortgage, cable, water, etc.

I will be putting aside:

$40 for Gas
$60 to Gifts savings
$5 to Clothing savings
$209 for entertainment
$20 to Auto savings
$100 to House Slush Fund
$50 to House Upkeep Fund
$20 for pets
$231 for groceries
$88 to maternity/post maternity clothes
$775 to my last cc debt
$735 OT toward 2016 gifts fund (goal now met)

An update on my last credit card:

Bal starting 7/1/15: $2225.56
7/10 Snowball $802.27
7/12 Entertainment overage $20
7/22 OT leftover $50
7/23 Entertainment overage $19.70
7/24 Snowbal $775

TOTAL July Payments: $1,666.97

New Balance: $558.59

Home Repairs

July 14th, 2015 at 04:11 pm

We had a plumbing issue a week or so ago. Yesterday, we had someone come in to do some drywall repairs. This is the 3rd patch in the same spot of the livign room ceiling and it went from ceiling and into the wall. It was getting challenging to fix, so we paid someone $250 to do the work right. To me - worth every penny. To my husband, worth MUCH more - he was so frustrated with that area.

Next thing up will be painting the ceiling and living room. We are splurging for help on this so we can get it done before the baby and get the wall up the stairs and in a very high ceiling area. We are picking a neutral color so we can utilize this paint job for the potential sale of the house next year.

Gonna be somewhat pricey (versus DIY), but we have OT funds to go towards it!


July 13th, 2015 at 02:40 pm

I will say it again, I am so lucky to have overtime available to me, even in my new promotion. I am also incredibly lucky to be able to set the OT hours as I want and to be able to work from home while doing it!

That being said, last week, I went a bit overboard doing OT - I worked 64.5 hours between Monday through Sunday.

The whole overtime amount of that will go right into my 2016 gifts fund, which will be mostly covered at that point.

The next OT goals that I have are 3 hours of OT for the maternity purchases I made and 30 hours of OT towards upcoming home repairs/upgrades (mostly -painting).

After that, I will likely be done with OT as its getting close to baby time!

Retirement Planning and Personal Capital

July 9th, 2015 at 01:07 am

I have been bitten by the bug - I joined PersonalCapital. Its something I have seen a lot of recently on the personal finance sites. I am utilizing it mainly for retirement tracking & am so far loving it.

I FINALLY got the new info for my husband's 401k, so I can track his as well as mine again Big Grin

IRA Rollover: $16,107.64
IRA Rollover 2: $44,739.96
IRA Rollover 3: $2190.45
My 401k $20,225.07
Husband's 401k $40,978.14

TOTAL Retirement Accounts: $124,241.26

I am looking to increase my HSA next year & hope to invest through that account as well!

Friday's Paycheck

July 8th, 2015 at 12:47 pm

Paychecks went online and I was able to see the full amount I will be netting with my Overtime.

After paying normal bills - Car insurance, netflix, electric, trash, etc., I have:

$35 Gas for 2 weeks
$25 personal items
$15 Medical Savings (ING)
$5 Clothing Savings (ING)
$13 Memberships Slush Fund (ING)
$22.40 Old Navy purchase payoff (more tank tops/lounge pants for maternity and after the baby comes)
$270 Daycare deposit
$200 Entertainment expenses
$165 Overtime to 2016 Gifts Fund [Goal before Mat Leave is $900]
$800.60 to Last Credit Card Debt

Current Priority Financial Goals:
1. No New Debt
2. Payoff Last Credit Card
New balance after $800.60 payment = $1424.96
3. 2016 Gifts Fund - Goal of $900
New Balance after $165 transfer [$165/$900]
4. Repay Clothing Purchases
DONE for the moment, another purchase will occur
this week due to needing nursing friendly clothes
5. Savings for Home Repairs - Drywall/Painting. No
estimated goal yet - waiting on estimate

Today's 5 Things

July 5th, 2015 at 10:53 pm

Although I had a few days off, nothing really was accomplished off my ever-growing To-Do List. I am focusing on what I DID get done today.

1. Movies & lunch with friends
2. Do 2 loads of laundry
3. Clean kitchen
4. Clean off coffee table
5. Change sheets
6. Prep for work tomorrow
7. Enter mycokerewards
8. Do Bing

Interesting Tidbit - Lifetime Earnings from Social Security Administration

July 5th, 2015 at 02:37 pm

I recently came across someone who was talking about their lifetime earning calculated by the SSA.

I signed up with them - it shows estimated SS income, etc. I just zoomed in on the Lifetime Earnings - I started working in 1996. During the last 19 years (from part time high school to today), I have earned (per their calculation of Taxed Social Security Earnings), $582,582.

Very interesting to think what I have earned over all this time and where I am financially today!

Lots of Budget Changes - forcasting potential budgets

July 1st, 2015 at 11:57 pm

The 2nd half of this year is bringing many financial changes for my husband and I.

I will have the credit card debt paid off by the beginning of August.

Baby Hopeful will be arriving towards the end of August.

My husband & I both get 3 months parental leave.

We will be adding insurance for the baby.

Out next big financial goal is savings towards a new home.

November begins Daycare expenses.

January 2016, we will be increasing HSA contributions and creating an FSA account. I will be contributing $3333 pre-tax and my company matches $1667 for a total of $5000 for the year.

However, because of how the FSA reimburses, we will have to cash flow the daycare costs and will utilize the reimbursements to replenish cashflow.

So I have multiple paycheck budgets set to accomidate all the changes.

First, my current budget will transfer the $1550/month that was going to debt repayment toward the New Home Fund

The next budget adds in daycare costs, which decreases the snowball to the New Home Fund.

Then I have my 2016 estimated budget which includes the increased HSA and the FSA.

Its fun to plan! But I HATE seeing expenses going up and money in my snowball decreasing. I can hope that 2016 allows for some OT, even with the new baby Smile