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Archive for June, 2006
June 30th, 2006 at 06:52 pm
Since I've been 'unemployed' this week, I've indulged myself with sleeping in, watching movies, reading books, napping and generally being very lazy. I had a followup on my colonoscopy...the good news is that my polyp was not pre-cancerous. So now I'm on meds for my stomach & I don't have to go back to the doctor for a year. Thank goodness!
I've got my 3 month supply for meds to last me between the job change. My new medical coverage will start up in mid July. My original doctors appointment was for next Wed, but when I realized that my current insurance would end today (the 30th), I called and asked them to move my appointment, and they fit me right in yesterday. So I paid a $25.00 coapay instead of a $110.00 appointment fee. Good move!
I'm waiting for my 401k rollover information from my employer. I want to get that started right away. I'm eligible for my 401k with my new employer right away, but company matching doesn't start until 1 year of employment.
My check engine light came on in my car. I have no check oil light, and my oil is very low, so I'm going to fill it up today. Hopefully, thats the reason for the check engine light. Please, Please!
I've been taking advantage of the library a lot recently. I probably sound like an addict, but I recently rediscovered the Library & its a great way to entertain myself for free.
I've been reading recent posts about soda specials. I love both Coke & Pepsi & will only buy soda when its the 4 for $10 special for better (of 12 packs). My grocery store had a special of 5 for $10, so I got 5 & I'll be going back tomorrow. I'd rather stock up now, then pay 4 for $10 again in a month.
Money is tight right now, because I don't want to dip into savings and my first paycheck from the new job won't come until the 30th of July. With my last paycheck from my previous employer, I was able to pay all my expenses for July and leave money for gas, groceries & spending. I just have to be good---no big restaurant bills. So my goal for July is to not dip into my savings. Easier said than done, but I'm going to really try.
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school money,
saving on food
June 25th, 2006 at 09:10 pm
Recovering from a big party last night. It was exhausting putting all the stuff together, I didn't get much time to relax, but it was a lot of fun.
Today I ran some small errands. I stopped off at Goodwill---found 2 brand new white pillowcases (.99 cents), a Christmas Tree music box (2.49), which I will save for my mom for Christmas, and a long sleeve teeshirt 3.99. It still had tags on it & I know I'll get a lot of use out of it.
The rest of the day I'll be eating leftovers from the party, watching movies from the Library and studying for my final. Fun stuff.
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June 24th, 2006 at 01:15 am
This has been a movie week for me. I rented Jarhead, Tristan & Isolde, Murderball and Glengary Glenross from the library earlier this week. Last night, my roommates rented Rumor Has It, which I also watched. Today I borrowed 12 Angry Men and LA Story from the library. Lots of movies this week and no money spent on them.
In terms of books, I'm still rereading my Janet Evanovich books. I got the 12th book in the series recently, so I'm trying to read through them quickly so I can read the newest one. VERY good series---The Stephanie Plum series.
Tomorrow we're having a huge party for my roommates bother, who is leaving for the Marines on Monday. It'll be a no spend day, but I'll be helping set up and prepare all the food in the morning. In the afternoon, I'll be eating, drinking and hanging out with friends and family. (My family has been friends with hers since we were little kids).
Monday I'll be giving my two week notice to work. I've been banking on the fact that since I'm working for a competitor. they'll just ask me to leave the same day. I REALLY hope thats the case. We'll have to wait and see.
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June 22nd, 2006 at 03:58 am
I saw a messageboard thread today that discussed feeling shame at wearing Thrift store clothes. I found it pretty interesting since I stopped at my local
thrift store today and picked up a few nice things.
I've been needing a few new knock-around t-shirts and I found a nice one for 74 cents. I got a brand new (with tags) long sleeve tee in baby blue from the Gap ($2.49, normally 19.99). I have a few of these shirts, they're great for work or hanging out at home. VERY comfy. I also found a button-down shirt for work (4.99-also still with tags from Express) and some nice work pants black with pink pinstripes ($9.49). That was a bit of a splurge, but I really need extra pants and I needed some lighter fabric for the summer.
Everything I bought was name-brand. Two of the four pieces were brand new. I spent a lot of time walking up and down the lines of racks, sorting through to find a few good pieces. I feel that my trip was a sucess. And while I wouldn't go out of my way to brag that I got the clothes at a thrift store, if I did receive a compliment on any of the clothes, I'd just say what brand it is and leave it at that.
There is nothing wrong with being thrifty. The key is to find nice, classic pieces that are in good shape. Universal styles and colors that mix in with my current wardrobe. I'm proud of getting good finds.
Other things: Still have to do a budget to get me through to my new pay periods. I think I'm going to be paid bimonthly instead of biweekly, so I'll have to change a few things in my budget. It won't be much different, but I'll have to move some things between the first and second paychecks.
I have a lot of things on my to do list:
-get my fingerprinting and drug testing done tomorrow
-get a copy of my car key since I lost my spare
-deposit some checks and change with my bank
-next week I have to make an appointment with my banker to roll over my current 401k into an IRA
-do the budget
-clean out my car, get the oil changed, get an inspection (I think I have a loose fan belt)
-take some dvds to the resale shop
-go to the doctors to discuss my migranes before my insurance changes
-study for my final next wednesday
-buy the books for my last class
I'm sure I have lots more...I just have to try to get everything done before my training starts on the 10th. I want to hit the beach a couple of times before then, spend some time with my parents and maybe visit some friends in another state. We'll see what I actually get done.
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June 20th, 2006 at 08:42 pm
First, I had a colonoscopy yesterday. (Ima Saver, I really feel you on that junk we had to drink as prep...it made me sick to my stomach). They found one polyp and hemmoroids. Nothing too scary.
Now for the REALLY good news!! I had my interview today & they offered me the job within hours of the interview. The pay isn't much different than what I am currently making and there is no oppurtunity for incentive, but the job is more interesting, less stressful and has much more oppurtunity for advancement. I'm really excited that I got the position.
I start July 10th, but will take a few vacation days from my current position to get my background check, fingerprinting and drug test taken care of. Lots to do when applying for a position with a bank. Then I'll put my notice in late next week. Since my current employer has a noncompetative policy, when I announce that I will be working for a direct competitor, they will ask me to leave and give me my two weeks paid. It'll be a mini vacation before starting the 6 week training.
There's lots to do now. I'm really watching my money since I'm not 100% sure yet when my pay days are going to be yet. I also have to move money from my ING account to my checking so when I put my notice in, then I can write them a check for my tuition reimbursement for this year. I have to pay it back under a new policy that began 2006. Even for that short a time, its been beneficial to use the Tuition Reimbursement. It was basically an interest free loan. I took the money that I would have paid to school and earned interest in my ING account instead. Now I will pay it off.
The only downside is that my final two classes will have to be paid directly by me. I'll either have to pay for it out of my house money, or put it on my credit card and pay it off within a few months. I really hate to touch that house money, but we'll see.
I stopped off at the library today & picked up a few movies. I got Jarhead, Tristan + Isolde, Murderball, and Glengarry Glenross. I have yet to see any of them.
I didn't need books as I'm rereading Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum series since I should be getting the newest book in the series soon. I ordered it on Amazon. I highly recommend the books, they're very well written and funny.
I would also like to mention that I recently borrowed Murder on the Orient Express from the library. Its a very clever movie based on an Agatha Christie novel. It has a lot of familiar faces and is very well acted. So if you want something different to watch...I definately recommend it.
Well, off to pack dinner for work. I'm going in for a half a day. I took the 'morning' off for my interview. The hardest part about going to work now is just being able to keep my mouth shut until I'm ready to actually give my notice.
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school money,
saving on food
June 13th, 2006 at 04:09 am
Lots of overtime work this week. Hit the library on lunch since I've been reading a LOT lately. I pre-made my dinners for tomorrow and Wednesday. I just have to get up and make a lunch sandwich in the morning and pack a bunch of healthy snacks. I'm working 8a-9p tomorrow, so I want to be prepared for the long day.
I have that interview on Thursday. If it goes well, I'll have another interview next week. I hope they'll be flexible with that because I'm having some major tests done on my stomach on Monday & will be out of it until Tuesday. They're sedating me for most of the process.
If this new job pans out, it actually works out nicely for me medically. I just ordered my 3 month supply of medications from the mail order pharmacy. So by the time the new insurance kicks in, I'll just be running out.
I REALLY hope it pans out, but its wait and see.
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saving on food
June 12th, 2006 at 01:42 am
I have an interview on Thursday. If all goes well, I'll be starting on July 10th. It would mean quite a few changes for me.
First, we're in the middle of a special schedule at work, which means that when we work a certain amount of overtime, we get a cash incentive and an extra day off in July. I'm working the schedule, but if I get this job, I'd leave before I complete it. That's fine because I'd still get time and a half for the overtime.
Second, I'll have to pay back my tuition reimbursement, which I planned on. The upside is that I'm saving $320 due to getting a discount on the first dispersment after 6 months.
Third, since my company doesn't want us to stay once we give our two week's notice, I'll get two weeks off (paid) before starting the new job. I've got some health issues, so the time off would be nice to relax & get my stomach under control.
I'll find out more about the position with my interview on Thursday. I just hope its right for me. I REALLY want out of my job. We'll see how it goes.
Today I went to the Library, got a few books & rented North Country. Really want to see it...I've heard good things. So I'm off to watch it now.
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June 5th, 2006 at 12:42 am
On my way to the discount movies today, I stopped off at a local thrift store. Its not really near my house, so I hardly ever stop there. I was looking for some teeshirts to bum around the house in and possibly a sweatshirt.
I came home with 3 short sleeve tees, 1 long sleeve tee and 1 sweatshirt for $6.00. All in very good condition and the exact right sizes. So I'm very happy.
I stopped by Old Navy looking for pajama pants and socks, but didn't see anything I really liked or was worth the price. I'm going to try a department store next.
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June 4th, 2006 at 01:16 am
I recently read The Automatic Millionaire. I really enjoyed it. It had simple concepts, was easy to read and really got me thinking. I have specific goals: saving for retirement, buying a house, paying for and finishing school. I have certain priorities, but some things have been put to the side in my attempt to save for school and the house.
I've decided to tweek my budget to allow for automatic contributions to an IRA. I'm researching companies and weighing benefits between regular and Roth. Even if I don't fully fund it in the first year or two due to saving for the house, getting it started automatically will ensure that I'm not missing the money and it will be easier to increase the contributions later on.
This is the concept I've already used for my 401k. I just kept increasing the amount with raises, never missing the extra money going out of my paycheck. So even if I start out with $50.00 a month, its still a start!
So for the month of June, I have the following goals:
-Redo my budget to include IRA contributions
-Research new car insurance companies(the costs rose this year and I feel that the increase was unecessary). Renewal has to be completed by the 25th of this month
-Work a total of 40 hours overtime in June
-Put all but normal allotted amounts for groceries and gas from the 'extra' paycheck in June to my savings
-Put all but 10% of my income from overtime into savings. The 10% will be for some summer activities that I want to do this summer
-Redo my resume, references and general cover letter, and routinely look for positions that appeal to me
-Pack lunch/dinner during the workweek, allowing for only 1 lunch out per week.
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June 4th, 2006 at 12:52 am
Things have been crazy this week, but I'm taking the time this weekend to relax. My nephew's teeball team was in a parade this morning. Free entertainment, very fun.
This afternoon, I went to a department store with my parents. They were going for something specific and brought me along for my opinion. As we were leaving, I passed through their housewares section. They were having their "white sale".
I'll admit, I got suckered right in. I've been wanting (not needing) 2 new pillow cases and some towels. I ended up with 2 pillow cases, two bath towels, two hand towels and two wash clothes for under $25.00. I bipassed the flashy styles, bright colors and pretty details and went for the right size (big & fluffy), good quality and universal color. These will be with me long term. I haven't bought new towels in over 9 years.
Tonight, we ordered take-out. Really worth it, and planned for it, so no guilt.
I'm heading to the movies tomorrow, for the matinee. A few bucks, but no popcorn or soda, so my budget won't take much of a hit. I'm planning to head to the library tomorrow, to stock up on books and movies.
Lots of overtime starting, I plan on putting 6-8 hours in next week, then 10+ hours the following 2 weeks. I would do more next week, but I have a doctors appointment, so I can't do much more.
I'm making a big meal plan for the week, packing as much as possible for work and school. I'm going to do some big cooking. I'm going to try to make beef stew and sloppy joe to freeze, as well as meat sauce to add to pasta. Then I'll interchange these 'freezer' meals with frozen dinners, salads, sandwiches and soups.
I'm going to bring a few snacks to just leave at my desk at work, like oatmeal, pretzels, granola bars, and microwave popcorn. And because of my caffine addiction and stomach problems, I will bring a few sodas in and some lemonade mix. Planning ahead is key when I have a tight schedule.
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saving on food