Home > crazy week

crazy week

June 4th, 2006 at 12:52 am

Things have been crazy this week, but I'm taking the time this weekend to relax. My nephew's teeball team was in a parade this morning. Free entertainment, very fun.

This afternoon, I went to a department store with my parents. They were going for something specific and brought me along for my opinion. As we were leaving, I passed through their housewares section. They were having their "white sale".

I'll admit, I got suckered right in. I've been wanting (not needing) 2 new pillow cases and some towels. I ended up with 2 pillow cases, two bath towels, two hand towels and two wash clothes for under $25.00. I bipassed the flashy styles, bright colors and pretty details and went for the right size (big & fluffy), good quality and universal color. These will be with me long term. I haven't bought new towels in over 9 years.

Tonight, we ordered take-out. Really worth it, and planned for it, so no guilt.

I'm heading to the movies tomorrow, for the matinee. A few bucks, but no popcorn or soda, so my budget won't take much of a hit. I'm planning to head to the library tomorrow, to stock up on books and movies.

Lots of overtime starting, I plan on putting 6-8 hours in next week, then 10+ hours the following 2 weeks. I would do more next week, but I have a doctors appointment, so I can't do much more.

I'm making a big meal plan for the week, packing as much as possible for work and school. I'm going to do some big cooking. I'm going to try to make beef stew and sloppy joe to freeze, as well as meat sauce to add to pasta. Then I'll interchange these 'freezer' meals with frozen dinners, salads, sandwiches and soups.

I'm going to bring a few snacks to just leave at my desk at work, like oatmeal, pretzels, granola bars, and microwave popcorn. And because of my caffine addiction and stomach problems, I will bring a few sodas in and some lemonade mix. Planning ahead is key when I have a tight schedule.

1 Responses to “crazy week”

  1. carol Says:

    sounds like you have some good ideas and plans. good luck.

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