Feeling a bit of energy after 6+ hours of sleeping off a migraine today. So I put the laundry away and cleaned out the closet. I was able to put a big trash bag of clothes together for Goodwill!
Then I got super-organized and put together outfits for Sunday through Friday, complete with jewelry!
Next, I plan to put together bags for the gym. Shoes, clothes, ect all ready to go for Monday, Tues & THursday.
Last thing tonight, I will be putting together a meal plan as I am grocery shopping tomorrow!
January 5th, 2014 at 04:35 am
January 5th, 2014 at 10:04 am 1388916293
January 5th, 2014 at 10:07 pm 1388959658
Kudos for getting a bag together for GW to bless others who will enjoy the items you no longer need or wear. While I usually get an outfit together each evening as part of my bedtime routine, I've never been able to do several for the week. How do you decide what's to choose two or three days in advance? What criteria? Color? Dress/slacks/skirt and more casual Friday? Activities, meetings, desk day? Help
January 6th, 2014 at 03:00 am 1388977210
As for the weekly outfits, I know that I am working in office Monday & Tuesday (with no evening plans). Wednesday, I am work from home. Thursday is in office again and Friday is casual Friday.
My work is business casual (no khakis) but in this weather (a bit of snow and rain all week), I will be wearing pants.
Today, I had dinner with friends and wore a pair of jeans and a sweater & picked out my necklace & earrings ahead of time.
So Monday is Grey dress pants and a dress shirt. *Jewelry already planned
Tuesday is Black pants and sweater seat *Jewelry already planned
Wednesday is pj day!
Thursday is a cardigan and another pair of black pants *Jewelry planned
Friday is jeans and a casual top *Jewelry planned
I am trying a new morning routine and have earlier work hours starting this week, so I thought this would help me a lot!