Home > July Spending Plan $355.00 for the month

July Spending Plan $355.00 for the month

July 5th, 2006 at 01:40 am

Since I won't be receiving a full paycheck from my new job until July 30th, I used my 'extra' paycheck from June to pay all of my July expenses. This checked included overtime & incentive, which was why I was able to do this.

I paid ahead everything that I could. I put the amount to pay things at certain times of the month in my savings account. I have a set amount in my checking for a full month of gas, groceries and spending money.

Since I'll be starting a 6 week training program at the same time that my 8 week class starts, I know I'll be busy for the next month or two. So while I'm off and have free time for the rest of the week, I'm planning on stocking up on some things like groceries, cat food & litter.

I'm taking the rest of this week to do all of my laundry, ironing, mending and planning of my work wardrobe. I will also be doing my meal planning & heading to the grocery store this weekend for a big trip.

I also bought a book for my new class for 121.50. I was unable to buy it cheaper online since it is a bound notebook, not a copyrighted textbook. So I bought the book & workbook, but I'm planning on making photocopies of it and then returning the book. I've had this professor before, we don't even use the book all that much. So photocopying would be a lot cheeper. Theres about 200 pages, so at 10 cents per copy, I'll be paying $20.00 instead of $121.50. I'm very excited by this idea. Big savings!!

So after the spending tomorrow and Thursday, I'll only be spending on gas and groceries and some spending cash for the rest of the month: a total of $355.00 unil July 30th. Definately doable!

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