Home > spending today

spending today

July 7th, 2006 at 05:55 am

Since I've been off work this week and last week, I have really been watching my spending. Not doing too bad either.

Today I indulged a bit, though. I went to the Thrift store to look for some Christmas gifts, found a nice stocking. Since mine ripped last year, this will replace it. It was knit, just like my old one. 99 cents spent there.

I spent 6.50 on vending machine snacks and a sandwich for dinner at school.

I also applied an extra 161.50 to my credit cards. Normally I carry no balance, but I have a small one (from tuition expenses) that I'm trying to pay off before the due date without touching my savings. So far so good.

I revamped my budget to new paydates on the 15th and 30th. Everything will run smoothly. Once I have the paydates down, I'm going to have to shave a few things to put more to my 401k.

Tomorrow, I will get a haircut. Normally I go to a salon, get highlights and a nice cut. But tomorrow, I'm going to a local Hair place. Much cheaper, we'll have to see how the cut fairs. I'm forgetting the color for now.

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