Home > House updates, eating updates

House updates, eating updates

October 6th, 2006 at 12:47 am

Still getting paperwork together for the mortgage company. The inspection went well, just a few minor things. I've been trying not to go overboard buying things for the house, but I picked up a few kitchen things (knife set, cutting boards, ect) and a few house things.

I also have been looking for a couch & love seat set. I spent all last weekend looking around. I found a set within my budget, my mom is paying for the couch & I'm paying for the love seat. I'm going back to check it out again this weekend. I'll order it and set a delivery date then.

I also need a tv stand & I'm splurging on a new tv. All budgeted, but my current tv (in my bedroom) is REALLY tiny. SO I'll keep it in my bedroom & get a new one for the living room. I have a 10% coupon for Circuit City which carries the style, brand, size & price that I'm looking for. Smile

On Sunday, I'm going to purchase a washer & dryer and set up the delivery. I have a budget for this, but it definately helps that my parents are sears retirees & can get me 10% off. PLUS theres a 10% mail in rebate that my mom got. Its only for the purchase of 2 appliances, so my mom is giving it to me.

I am looking for paint supplies for the master bedroom. I plan on painting the first weekend I'm in the house. I'll temporarily put my bedroom stuff in the 2nd bedroom, then I'll paint the master & then I'll move.

I also 'need' to get bathmats and rugs for the bathroom. I have a master bath and a half bath. Kmart is having a sale on that kind of stuff, so I'm heading over there this weekend.

So lots of stuff to do! And its T minus 2 weeks as of tomorrow!! I am SO excited!!

I've been eating out too much lately, so my focus is to eat up what I have left in the pantry & minimize any grocery buying for the next 2 weeks. Definately doable!

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