I take a medication for my stomach that, last year, under my new insurance plan would no longer be paid for. The alternative was going to try an over the counter medication (per my doctor), but since I'd have to take multiples of the medication, it would have worked out to be about $70 to $80 dollars a month (depending on sales & coupons).
Luckily, right before I left my previous employer, I had refilled my prescription & had enough to last me until this month.
When we signed up for our benefits in October, there was a small blurb that some stomach medications were now being covered under the plan again, however, when I called the ins co, they couldn't tell me which ones.
Well, I went online today & found out my prescription is one of the ones they cover! So instead of paying $105.00/mo or $70.00/mo. Its now covered for $45.00/month. MUCH more managable!
Potential savings is $60.00!!! Nice!
potential money saved
January 3rd, 2007 at 09:35 pm
January 3rd, 2007 at 09:38 pm 1167860285