Home > $75 rebate, no spend, no soda

$75 rebate, no spend, no soda

January 7th, 2007 at 02:51 am

I ended up going to the grocery store yesterday, so I did spend after all, but all expected. Today, I packed my lunch for work (yes, I work Saturdays). I drank all water, no soda & am making dinner at home. Then I'm going to watch cheesy movies on the sci-fi channel.

I've been doing some cleaning as well. I cleaned the kitchen & washed the floor. i took the rest of my Christmas decorations down to the basement. I'm taking the tree to be recycled tomorrow & then I'll super clean the living room. I also need an oil change, so I'm going to try to fit that in too.

I came home to a $75.00 rebate in the mail for my contacts. VERY nice. That'll go straight to savings.

1 Responses to “$75 rebate, no spend, no soda”

  1. janH Says:

    We love some of the shows on the Sci-fi channel and have fun watching some of the crazy movies on there!

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