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interesting post

February 20th, 2007 at 11:44 pm

I'll admit it, I'm a little obsessed with personal finance and especially PF blogs. I check out Saving Advice daily, plus I have a few individual blogs in my favorites and I pretty much daily check out

I came across an article at entitled 'What If... Your Net Worth Is Public?' Very interesting idea. Money is such a taboo subject in some ways & so easily talked about in others. It'd be a shock if our net worth was out there for all to see. And the fact that its public would probably change the way we do things. I know for sure that I would. I know I have changed a lot of my habits since I've joined this site.

This blog & site helps keep me grounded. I am really honest in my writing and there are times where I think about doing something (spending money-wise) and then I think how would I explain that to you guys? It also motivates me to find new ways to save money or earn money & put it into savings instead of spending it. I LOVE being able to say I added another $300.00 to savings instead of buying that new beadspread that I want, but do not need Smile

So check out the article & let me know what you think!

1 Responses to “interesting post”

  1. LuckyRobin Says:

    I think the blogs almost function as a quasi support group. People to help rein us in when we think about going crazy with money.

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