Home > Money added to savings & overtime

Money added to savings & overtime

March 30th, 2007 at 03:18 pm

Just paid 165.45 to savings! Now I'm $2,721.42 away from my 2007 goal!

I've been looking at this goal as almost a debt to myself. I owe it to me to get the rest of the amount by the end of the year Smile

I'm keeping up with the overtime- Working about 11 hours this week. I have worked 53.5 hours of overtime for the month of March (Up from 40 hours in February).

I'm going to aim for 60 hours in April. Definately doable !!

1 Responses to “Money added to savings & overtime”

  1. newlyfrugal Says:

    Congratulations! That is awesome! And WOW that is a lot of OT. You must be really busy.

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