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Being Prepared Helps! And good news!

June 12th, 2007 at 06:18 pm

I'm working 8am to 8pm today. I packed all my food and my plan is to not buy any food all day.

Well, around 12:00, I started having a drop in blood sugar. Its not unusual for me, but it was really bad. I was shaking like crazy. I didn't want to eat all my packed food before dinner time, but I also didn't want to run down & buy something from the cafe.

Luckily, I had a small stock of stuff that I brought from home that I keep in my desk. I keep a pack of generic Ritz-like crackers and a jar of peanut butter in my desk for just such an occasion. I spread the pb on a few of the crackers, gulped down the soda and now I'm fine! If I didn't have that supply there, I would have spent AT LEAST 75 cents for a soda and more if I wanted food too. So yay! Crisis averted.

A few more tidbits:
- I also found a quater in the parking lot today!
- I'm going to work a 1/2 hour lunch & get another 1/2 hour of OT in today

And just to share my packed food:
Today I had/will have:
-a small blueberry muffin
-a banana
-1 cup dry rice chex (I eat them as a snack)
-all bran crackers
-tuna sandwich on wheat
-5 crackers with peanut butter on top
-salad with light italian dressing
-homemade pasta salad with wheat pasta, tons of veggies and light italian on it

Not the most imaginative meals, but its been REALLY hot in the office and I just couldn't take any hot food.

I know I'm bringing a salad & the other half of the tuna tomorrow, but I still have to figure out the rest. I'm going to work 8am to 8pm again.

****edited to add****

I just found out that I'll be receiving another $400.00 in gift cards from work. This was the last oppurtunity for it, but I am SO excited that I won!!!!

5 Responses to “Being Prepared Helps! And good news!”

  1. SicilyYoder Says:

    I packed a peanut butter sandwich and a clemintine, My blood sugar dropped too- but I had some town house crackers with peanut butter left fromn breakfast, but i had to buy a soda. Congratulations on wionning!!! I've bene working long days today- today I worked around ehre, so it wasn't that long. Its been hot here too, so I pack odds& ends too.

  2. LuckyRobin Says:

    If you add some protein to each meal or snack you will eliminate the low blood sugar problem. Your body digests the carbs too fast and then down you go. The protein causes slower digestion and the blood sugar won't plummet when the carbs wear off. Maybe a couple hard boiled eggs, and a string cheese packed in a cooler to keep them safe unless you have a fridge at work. Peanut butter is somewhat helpful but is also half to more than half carbohydrate, so a more substantial protein would work a bit better. Some beef jerky in a drawer would be safe at room temp.

  3. Sindel Says:

    nice choices... bananas are great for giving energy boosts. i read somewhere that runners eat them before they compete in races

  4. fern Says:

    lately i've been bringing a cup or so of dry Rice Chex to work as a snack, too. Amazingly tasty. i also brought 2 plums today. i seem to get famished between 11 am and 1 p.m., before i go to lunch.

  5. Sunshine Suz Says:

    Kashi Heart to Heart cereal and peanutbutter is a good tasting snack too....and pretty healthy.

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