Home > Credit card commercial & other things

Credit card commercial & other things

October 3rd, 2007 at 03:11 pm

Ok, so last night I was at home, fixing a problem with my computer and half listening to House on tv. A credit card commercial came one. I didn’t catch which one it was, but the slogan registered in my head. I missed the beginning, but the ending went “… for when you want it NOW”. Can we all say SHAMELESS?? Credit card companies have cajones, if you’ll excuse my language. They have no shame in plugging the want it now mentality of America. I am guilty of having that feeling from time to time, but its pretty bad when the credit card companies aren’t even subtle about it. Ok, rant done. I just had to share.

In other news, I packed food for work today, but my team is having an outing. Free lunch, YAY! It was rescheduled from last week. We’re going to Bennigans and I’m having the Kilkenny Country Chicken Salad with grilled chicken instead of fried and with fat free honey mustard (in keeping with the Weight Watchers). Anyway, the salad is HUGE. So I’ll be taking the other ½ home for lunch tomorrow. Or dinner tonight if I can’t wait Wink

The air has been off in my house and the windows open. I love this time of year. I have to put together a list of things to do to winterize my house. I also need to get some dry cleaning done. I have 2 pea coats that I like to get cleaned before winter starts.

I’ll be updating my numbers soon. I also want to compare where my balances stand today compared to January. I think it’ll be pretty morale boosting.

Also, its that time of the year for health insurance selection. My work offers several different plans. I really like the one that I’m on. The price is going up $3.90 per paycheck $(93.60 a year), which sucks, but I some of the other plans jumped up even more. And the smokers went up VERY much. Thank goodness I don’t smoke. It costs just to buy those things and then you have to pay for the probable effects on your health. I’m also looking into an H.S.A this year. I have to make my decision by the 12th, so I’ll be doing a little research over the weekend.

4 Responses to “Credit card commercial & other things”

  1. denisentexas Says:

    Shameless is a good word for it, indeed! It's like that commercial with the man talking about his big home, new car, beautiful yard, pool, etc with the smile on his face and he says something about being in debt up to his eyeballs. I think it's for a re-fi company. Every time I see that commercial, I just burn! But I also feel that way about the one with the woman in the big city using her credit card at every store to help her feel pretty. Sheeesh! Okay, mini-rant done. Wink

  2. monkeymama Says:

    reminds me of that stupid "Why Not" commercial I heard again on the radio yesterday...

    "Season tickets to the operah in Milan. Why not????" Get a HELOC with us.

    Seriously??????? I thought it was a mock thing the first time. Sadly, not. Whirlpools, vacations, sports cars, remodels... Why not?

  3. fern Says:

    It's funny that you already know what you're ordering at lunch today. Smile I've done the same thing when it's a restaurant i frequent a lot.

    I guess i'll be hearing about our own health insurance increases soon, too. I am 100% sure it's gone up.

    Yeah, it's a great time of heat on and no a/c. Wish it were like this all the time!

  4. ceejay74 Says:

    I do kind of like the one with the smiling guy in debt up to his eyeballs, because it does bring home how untenable and eventually terrifying that get-it-now lifestyle is. Before I had my repayment on track, I would so empathize with his panicky words and how he felt the need to pretend it was OK and he could still smile.

    But what about the commercial about the young girl who gets her first paycheck, and leaps from her chair and out of the office to go buy stuff, have dinner at a nice restaurant, etc., with her Visa check card, oh and there's one shot of her paying bills online, but she looks happy about it, not like she totally blew her whole paycheck! :-)

    Or the one about the girl who just started a band, and she's on the phone offering to fly a friend out to see her using her credit card. How much money are you getting for your first couple gigs ever, honey?

    I can't get all high and mighty since I only recently escaped the instant-gratification cult, but boy is it eye-opening watching TV now that I've been deprogrammed!

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