Home > Lasted 20 minutes into Maxed Out

Lasted 20 minutes into Maxed Out

October 8th, 2007 at 02:58 pm

I tried watching Maxed out yesterday. I lasted 20 minutes before I had to turn it off. I understand that credit card companies are out to make money and that their practices aren't always ethical or in the consumers' best interest. What they were talking about was interesting, but there was a big, glaring gap in the film.... where was personal responsibility? If you can't afford it and you chose to buy it with credit, then you have played a part in the 'evils' of credit cards. It really made me mad and I had to turn it off.

Ok, rant over Smile

10 Responses to “Lasted 20 minutes into Maxed Out”

  1. denisentexas Says:

    I need to find that somewhere and rent it. I think it would be interesting to watch.

  2. Caoineag Says:

    I agree that alot of people forget about personal responsibility. I can assure you, no one held a gun to my head and made me put things on the credit card, lol.

  3. Ima saver Says:

    I certainly agree with you!

  4. Stein Says:

    There are certainly two sides to most stories. They do interview several people who obviously are not capable of making decisions including one mentally handicapped guy who was sold a bill of goods by Citifinancial.

    There are people making dumb decisions and there are people praying on the uneducated or incapable with intentionally deceptive products.

  5. reflectionite Says:

    i love my credit cards. i always pay it out in full, i earn a lot of points, and it gives me peace of mind if something were to happen that i couldn't deal with financially. also, if i ever go out in a strange city, i know i have a credit card which can get me a hotel, food, and a taxi home if i ever get lost. i keep most of my money in high interest accounts, so for me my credit cards are a tool, not evil, and not really a liability. i get sick and tired of people's judgements when they find out i have a credit card or two. their main reaction is "oooh, credit cards are bad" all because of other people they know that have gotten themselves in debt by making stupid financial decisions. (that's my rant) Smile

  6. Toyguy1963 Says:

    I want to eventually watch that too but on some movies it takes me forever to get around to it. Credit cards might be a bit evil but I agree completely about personal responsibility. I also agree with reflectionite's comments about credit cards. I actually have (UMMMMMM dare I say?) 6 credit cards. But I only really use one of them and pay it off every month. The others are just for emergencies and to boost my credit rating. I love getting stuff for free too when I have enough credit card points.

  7. db1974 Says:

    Amen Stein!

  8. baselle Says:

    If only it were so simple. The problem's broader than the lack of personal responsibility. Good for you to stay debt free.

  9. asmom Says:

    Initially I had the same complaint about Maxed Out: it could have used some balance by focusing a little on personal responsibility. However, as the movie went on you would have found that the greater focus was on the extraordinarily deceptive and predatory practices of the credit card companies. In addition, there was some outright deception and outright illegal practices the credit companies engaged in. It goes far beyond people acting stupid, greedy or irresponsible as you would have found if you had continued.

  10. Househopeful Says:

    Just to clarify, I wasn't saying that the problem is solely from lack of personal responsibility. I just found the documentary to be completely one-sided. Which is fine, but not for me. I like to see both sides of any discussion.

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