Home > PSA about CFL bulbs

PSA about CFL bulbs

October 15th, 2007 at 08:37 pm

I dropped a CFL bulb this weekend and I remembered someone saying that you needed to open a window before cleaning it up. So I opened the window and googled CFL bulb clean up to find out what I needed to do.

CFL bulbs contain mercury, so the clean up is pretty specific. You want to open an window and keep everyone out of the room for at least 15 minutes while airing it out. Don't touch the bulb directly. Wear rubber gloves. Don't use a broom. Double bag the broken pieces.

For more info check out this link:

1 Responses to “PSA about CFL bulbs”

  1. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    I've got a couple of those bulbs at the bottom of my recycling bin, waiting for the city's hazardous waste collection. It might be a good idea for me to put some paper or bubble wrap (recycled, of course) around them.

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