Home > 10 Year High School Reunion

10 Year High School Reunion

November 23rd, 2007 at 08:57 pm

I've been going between being excited about my reunion to not really wanting to go. Part of the problem was not having a date (although I could have taken a guy friend if I'd wanted to) and part was not having anything that I really wanted to wear.

After trying on dozens of dresses, I had settled on wearing a plain black dress that's part of a dress suit I had, but I really wasn't happy with it. Then today, I stopped by Old Navy on the way home from work. I had planned on grabbing some pants that I had wanted for $10.00 and getting out of there, but then I passed the dresses.

I tried this one on and I LOVE it! $29 on sale. And I'll be able to rewear it to a holiday party I have to attend on the 15th! Now I'm more excited about going tonight. It should be fun, its at the local country club. There'll be a buffet and dancing.

3 Responses to “10 Year High School Reunion”

  1. Ima saver Says:

    Go and have a good time. I never missed any of mine and I was one of the shyest girls in my class.

  2. mom-from-missouri Says:

    Have fun. I always think its fun to see how much everyone has changed.

  3. Amber Says:

    I love it, make sure you go and have a great time. I missed my reunion and wish I had went

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