I moved into my house October of last 2006. When I did, I signed up for Comcast's Triple Play program, which entailed cable, internet and phone. The program lasted over 14 months and this month it ran out.
So I called them and reached a customer service rep. I explained that I am living on a budget and I need to do something about my bill going up $45.00 this month. I nicely explained that I've gotten several offers from other companies like Verizon, but I wanted to talk to them first.
The girl was able to finagle some things and give me the internet, phone and cable for $5.00 more than what I'm paying now. The new plan took away long distance & voicemail from my phone. Which was fine, because I didn't use either. Then the plan upgraded my cable from regular cable to digital, which I'm enjoying.
I really had started out the call expecting a fight. But I just started things out nicely and the call went that way. I hope the call goes as smoothly next year when my rates reset again
My conversation with Comcast
January 29th, 2008 at 03:10 am
January 29th, 2008 at 04:14 am 1201580045
January 29th, 2008 at 12:57 pm 1201611457
February 2nd, 2008 at 03:34 am 1201923262
That digital cable is nice isn't it?