Home > My conversation with Comcast

My conversation with Comcast

January 29th, 2008 at 03:10 am

I moved into my house October of last 2006. When I did, I signed up for Comcast's Triple Play program, which entailed cable, internet and phone. The program lasted over 14 months and this month it ran out.

So I called them and reached a customer service rep. I explained that I am living on a budget and I need to do something about my bill going up $45.00 this month. I nicely explained that I've gotten several offers from other companies like Verizon, but I wanted to talk to them first.

The girl was able to finagle some things and give me the internet, phone and cable for $5.00 more than what I'm paying now. The new plan took away long distance & voicemail from my phone. Which was fine, because I didn't use either. Then the plan upgraded my cable from regular cable to digital, which I'm enjoying.

I really had started out the call expecting a fight. But I just started things out nicely and the call went that way. I hope the call goes as smoothly next year when my rates reset again Smile

3 Responses to “My conversation with Comcast”

  1. barbara L Says:

    I did the same thing with them. It only lasted for 3 months. I switched to Verizon in the end, it was cheaper.

  2. campfrugal Says:

    I called Comcast when I was ready to upgrade, wanting to add my land-line to them. They had the triple play deal, but told me it was for new customers. I mentioned that I had been an extremely great customer for as long as I can remember, they didn't budge. I called around and eventually changed my land-line, cell phone, cable (satellite) and internet over to AT&T. When I called to cancel Comcast, they said we could have given you the triple play. Well, now it is a little too late. You didn't want to give it to me when I asked. But, now they are loosing a lot of customers due to not working with their existing customers, so they are offering really nice packages. I am happy with what I have now, but what a hassle.

  3. HelpMeFriend Says:

    Those people on the other end of the line are just people too. Sometimes, I think that they can do what ever they want to on your account anyway. You just have to sweet talk them. Way to go on being calm and collected.
    That digital cable is nice isn't it?

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