Home > Food Inflation and grocery budget

Food Inflation and grocery budget

February 24th, 2008 at 12:58 am

I currently have a REALLY tight grocery budget. But as I've been noticing grocery prices rising, and my pantry assets decreasing, I have been thinking about buying a large amount of my normal staples.

As a single person, I don't keep a lot of extras in my pantry. But now that I've been watching my weight, I've been investing in better food choices that cost a bit more. I've been utilizing a SuperWalmart about 20 minutes away from my house to get the best prices on these items. But I've been watching the Walmart prices go up as well.

And I've been hearing that grain based products especially are going to see price increases. I've already seen some of that.

For example, I eat Barilla Plus pasta. This has always been my big splurge. Wheat/Enhanced pasta is SO much better for me. Currently $1.98 up from $1.47 (from December).

So I am thinking about taking some money from other areas of my budget and stocking up on some of my staples.

So I'd stock up on the pasta, stuffing, olive oil, cereal, oatmeal, granola bars, Good Seasons Mix, wheat wraps (can be frozen), canned veggies/fruits and more.

I figure it'd be a good investment. What do you think?

3 Responses to “Food Inflation and grocery budget”

  1. boomeyers Says:

    I have been thinking about the same thing. Stocking up on some bread, flour, pastas, etc. Great idea!

  2. scfr Says:

    It sounds like a good idea, especially to stock up if one of your regular purchases goes on sale or if you can get a discount for buying by the case. Do you belong to a warehouse club, or do you have a friend who's a member who would let you tag along, so you could compare prices? Cereal, oatmeal, and pasta can be good buys there.

  3. baselle Says:

    Stocking up isn't a bad idea for things that don't go bad (of course), but you might want to buy what you need first, then follow prices a bit with a price book to see if you can pick up a trend. Don't want to stock up at the top of the price cycle!

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