Home > No Spender

No Spender

March 6th, 2008 at 06:09 pm

Todays a no spender. I sucessfully packed breakfast & lunch today. I'll be having dinner at home as well. I plan on organizing some recipes while watching last night's Big Brother & tonight's LOST. My goal is to go to bed early, since I was out late last night.

Last night's spending was $10.00 exactly. I LOVE the Pub, its so Cheap! There was a band, loud & not that great, but we had a great time.

2 Responses to “No Spender”

  1. Amber Says:

    Way to go on brown bagging it...I have to get back on board

  2. boomeyers Says:

    Glad you had a good time last night. $10 for an evening out is awesome!

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