Last week, I put another Craigslist ad up for a room for rent. Got a couple of responses. Couple of scams responded. But one guy seems ok. So we did the email thing and he asked me to call to set up a time to meet & see the house.
Calling him felt like calling a boy for the first time. I was all nervous. Well, he's coming to see the place on Wednesday.
Its a little nerve-wracking to let a stranger into my house. But, I really could use the money. So hopefully, it works out.
I did some cleaning today and I'll sort out some stuff from the pantry and linen closet to make room for his stuff.
I'm requiring a deposit and am going to write up a contract. Which is something that he suggested (I was already going to do it). I am going to do research online about agreements for renting a room in your home. But if anyone has suggestions, please feel free to give me advice. I really need it!
I have someone coming to look at renting a room
June 23rd, 2008 at 11:52 pm
June 23rd, 2008 at 11:58 pm 1214261939
It was a little weird because the house was small, about 1100 sq ft and we shared the living room, which meant we had to talk to each other alot. I prefer to be quiet and not have a bunch of questions about my day be asked. So if you have an extra room that could be his 'living room', he would prob appreciate it.
June 24th, 2008 at 01:01 am 1214265711
June 24th, 2008 at 04:03 am 1214276582
June 24th, 2008 at 04:08 pm 1214320117