Home > Found 3 cents & gas at under $4.00

Found 3 cents & gas at under $4.00

June 26th, 2008 at 03:47 am

I found 3 cents today. Two pennies were heads up, one was heads down. So I guess my luck is still good at 2 to 1 Smile

I filled up my gas two days ago and I was so excited to find gas at $3.99 at a local gas station. Down from $4.04. I'll take it while I can get it Smile I still have a 1/2 tank left after running to Philly & back plus all my errands today. I'll probably fill back up tomorrow since I'll be driving 2 hours to the beach and back and I certainly don't want to fill up down here. Prices are MUCH higher at the beach.

3 Responses to “Found 3 cents & gas at under $4.00”

  1. sillyoleme Says:

    Congrats on the cheap gas... I have noticed an involuntary "cringe" whenever BF & I ask about how much it just cost to fill up. :P

  2. cheshirecat Says:

    For me its important to find a silver lining in even things that bother me. So I like that you got excited because you found gas for under 4. I don't like the gas being so high and I do things to save gas now that I never did before but I refuse to let the price of gas even ruin a minutes of my day. Maybe 59 seconds now and then but ever a minute. LOL

  3. managinglife Says:

    Wow, about the gas bargain!

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