Today's a snow day. So it will be a No Spend Day! I could have chosen to go into work late, but decided to just take the full day after all.
I got a workout shovelling my driveway, but then I managed to drop my glasses and step on them. They will not be able to be repaired. At least I have my old glasses, plus contacts to get me through til my appointment next month.
The rest of the day, I've been watcing tv & playing on the internet.
So now I'm going to tackle the monstrous task of organizing paperwork and taxes.
Have to accomplish something today
Oh, and I'm going to call Comcast & get a new promotion since my last one just ran out.
Paperwork & Taxes
March 2nd, 2009 at 07:49 pm
March 2nd, 2009 at 07:54 pm 1236023659