Home > Rain, Rain Go Away!

Rain, Rain Go Away!

May 3rd, 2009 at 01:17 pm

For the 3rd day in a row, its raining. Although now its pouring! There goes all plans that required me to be outdoors.

So today will be made up of doing all the things on my to-do list that require me to stay indoors. Which are:

- Clean the house top to bottom
- Do my nails
- Go through photos that I collected from my Aunt's house after she passed
- Try a new recipe for dinner Sunday
- And I'm going to add split & prepackage meats purchased. Make ahead meatloaf & sloppy joe for the freezer

2 Responses to “Rain, Rain Go Away!”

  1. LuxLiving Says:

    Raining here as well. You've got a challenging to-do list there. Me? I'm just going to price some stuff for the junque' booth & cook Sunday lunch. Oh, and right now I'm coloring my hair, only 8 minutes to go to see if it is the right color or if I turned my hair purple again! Big Grin

  2. fern Says:

    Raining in CT. I spent the morning reading and may attempt to declutter the attic.

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