Home > Saturday


May 3rd, 2009 at 01:55 am

Well, today it rained, so my nephew's baseball was cancelled, I was unable to mow the lawn & couldn't walk. So instead I went to the library, the bank, the grocery store and the farmers market.

Then I've spent the rest of the day doing stuff around the house, watching movies from the library. I declined to head to a friends for movie night and instead am having one at home by myself Smile

I'm proud that I skipped the awesome sausage sandwiches at the farmer's market, the 5 fast food places I passed while driving around, and the 2 movie stores. So no entertainment spending today & I've still had a great day!

My best purchase of the day was that I bought a flat of strawberries - roughly 12 pints - for $3.00! I've set some aside in the fridge for the next few days. I cut up the rest & froze them in individual servings to be used for smoothies & daquiries. Very yummy!

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