Home > Flat Stanley

Flat Stanley

May 5th, 2009 at 03:00 am

Today, I spent $1.90. I packed my breakfast, lunch & snacks for work. Bought nothing all day.

However, my nephew's 2nd grade class is reading a book called Flat Stanley. Its about a boy who has a bulletin board fall on him & flatten him. Its about how Flat Stanley goes through life and travels by mail to many places.

So I received a flat version of my nephew Smile I had a week to take him around, show him my life, take some pics. It was actually quite fun and there were several places where people recognized Flat Stanley! Very fun.

So today, I spent $1.90 to purchase 10 pictures of Flat Stanley and me to send back to my nephew's class. This project was a LOT of fun!

5 Responses to “Flat Stanley”

  1. L Saver Says:

    What a fun project -- sounds like it was well worth $1.90! Smile

  2. lizajane Says:

    I read in the paper last year where one of the school classes had an experiment writing letters to people of power and including Flat Stanley. One of the people they sent letters to was Obama (before he was elected). He replied and told all the places he had taken Flat stanley. Cute!!

  3. Lady T Says:

    Yep, done that project twice (with both my kids). We took my daughter's Flat Stanley to California with us when she was in first grade, and one of my favorite pictures is of her and Flat Stanley with the Golden Gate Bridge in the background! Smile

  4. Petunia Says:

    I have done this with my nephew and it was really fun.

  5. Thrifty Ray Says:

    ah, if only all of our spending could encompass this much meaning! What fun!

    If you want a real treat, go to the flatstanley project site and look at all the places he has been. WHAT A COOL IDEA!!!

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