Home > That Time of Year!

That Time of Year!

October 7th, 2009 at 03:04 am

As it hits the last quarter of the year, a lot of upcoming financial things come into play.

- Open Enrollment for Insurance. Got the email today and am hoping to go over the options this week. I am not happy with the (cheaper) plan that I currently have and am going to switch back to the moderately priced one that I went with in years prior. The price difference was not worth the problems and hassle that I had this year.

- Holidays. I'm hoping to get Christmas shopping done by the first week of November. Usually my goal is the end of October, but since I'll be on a CRUISE Smile the last week, I'll give myself the extra time.

- Winter. I need to winter-proof the house & car. And get new tires!

- Homeowners Association Fees - $75 per year. Due November. Tonight, I went to the annual meeting for the first time since I bought the house 2 Octobers ago. There was a minimal amount of people although there are 177 houses in my neighborhood. And at the end of the meeting, they were choosing board members. Guess who got volunteered by a whole group of strangers to be Vice President? Moi Smile Well, maybe I can help make some changes or at least learn about the HOA. Its basically a meeting every two months with possible small projects thrown in. Something fun anyway!

6 Responses to “That Time of Year!”

  1. LuxLiving Says:

    Where are you cruising too?

    Good for the health insurance!

    ...and, funny, that you got elected! I'm always getting that kind of stuff happening to me. That's what we get for showing up. Good luck with this one!

  2. HouseHopeful Says:


    I'm taking a cruise out of Baltimore to the Bahamas. 7 days! We hit Orlando for a day then the Bahamas Smile I"m very excited. We got a great deal and its been years since I've been away for a full week to go anywhere!

  3. all4money Says:

    Might I ask where you looked for your cruise, i.e. internet site, travel agent, etc? We are interested in going on a cruise in Dec but wasnt' sure where we should start looking?

  4. LuxLiving Says:

    Hope you have a wonderful time on your cruise!!

  5. mooshocker Says:

    Funny, I just sent my wife my personal "Honey Do" list and aside from our endless stream of laundry, it is not too. A lot of winterizing and a couple of new lights to put in. I LOVE this time of year from the change in season standpoint, but it really hits home how much clutter and disarray the summer brings forth. God bless.

  6. HouseHopeful Says:

    All4Money - we used a travel agency. My friend actually did all the research and got the deal for us. I have the name of the company at work & I promise to update with that info in the morning.

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