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Gearing up for my trip!

October 22nd, 2009 at 01:04 am

I leave Sunday morning & I have a big to-do list to complete this weekend. I want to be prepared to step right back into my daily frugality and organization.

When I leave on Sunday, I will have a clean house, a meal plan for the following week, a grocery shopping list & freshly cleaned bed linens Smile

Tonight, my 5 things are:

1. Organize photos on computer (DONE)
2. Clean kitchen (DONE)
3. Clean living room (Working on it)
4. Clean out car (DONE)
5. Make meal plan & grocery list for 11/2 when get back from cruise (DONE)

1 Responses to “Gearing up for my trip!”

  1. homebody Says:

    It is really nice to come home to a clean home after a trip. Have a good one!

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