Home > Manic Monday

Manic Monday

December 8th, 2009 at 03:23 am

Today was the first day of working the part-time job.

I worked 7:30 to 4 at the full time job. Made a library run on my lunch break.

Then home for dinner, to change clothes & pre-pack food for tomorrow.

Then to the new part time job for training. 4 hours and the place is only 5 minutes away from home. Yay Smile

Today's 5 Things:

1. Library Run - DONE
2. Dinner at home, prepack for tomorrow - DONE
3. Quick clean bathroom (wipe counter, ect) - DONE
4. Clear out emails - DONE (and I found a reply to my roommate ad!)
5. Send sympathy email to friend for the loss of a pet. - DONE
6. Go to bed early! - WORKING ON IT! LOL

4 Responses to “Manic Monday”

  1. Jazzmint98 Says:

    Sounds like you were very busy! I hope the PT job goes well. It is just seasonal?

  2. momcents Says:

    Sounds manic to me! But my, you accomplished a lot!

  3. frugaltexan75 Says:

    Quite the whirlwind of a day!

  4. househopeful Says:

    Jazzmint, its only seasonal, although I always have hope that it could continue Smile

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