Home > Well, its Tuesday

Well, its Tuesday

December 8th, 2009 at 03:23 pm

Tonight I have the actual orientation for the ptj (last night was training). This is where we'll go over HR info & pay & ect. We have direct deposit, which is nice. Now I'm just waiting to find out the rest of my schedule. Since this is temp work, I'm willing to pick up every shift they'll let me!

So today, I work from 7:30 to 4, will have dinner at home & then work from 6-9. Shorter shift than last night & tomorrow due to just being orientation.

Now Tuesday is my normal pub night & I'm getting flack from friends to still come out. I'd say no, but ironically, the way I get home from the mall to my house, DIRECTLY passes this little out of the way bar. How funny is that? I might stop by for a minute, but I'm not sure. I think I'd rather that today be a no spend day. I have only had one this month & am definately not making my 15 no spenders this month Frown

Today's 5 Things:
1. PTJ shift
2. Make dinner at home, pack lunch for tomorrow
3. Get laundry from dryer & put away
4. Put out a few Christmas things (in from basement)
5. Get to bed early!

2 Responses to “Well, its Tuesday”

  1. frugaltexan75 Says:

    Can you go to the pub and just drink water, so you can still be there for the socializing?

  2. HouseHopeful Says:

    Yeah, I can do that. But it turns out a friend got some bad news, so I bought us a round. Well worth it Smile

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