Home > Friday


May 28th, 2010 at 02:36 pm

Happy Friday! I'm ready for my long weekend! Today is payday and already I know that my budget is wayyy too tight. Suffice it to say some things have changed with my income, I no longer have the part time job or a roomate, expenses are creeping up and I have a TON of social obligations coming up.

So I am going to control everything that I can. I have 19 days in this pay period. And for this time, I have (after bills are paid)

$110.00 in my grocery budget
$50.00 in my gas budget
$83.19 in my entertainment budget
$45.00 in birthday gift budget
$21.19 in house budget
$20 Old Navy gift card
$15.00 Target gift card
$10.00 Blockbuster gift card
$25.00 Barnes & Noble gift card

Its going to be tight & I'm going to have to be creative, but I defitely can do it!

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