Home > 6 Months to Christmas (Eve)

6 Months to Christmas (Eve)

June 24th, 2010 at 05:41 pm

One of my coworkers reminded me this morning, that there are 6 months until Christmas. I'm planning a cash only Christmas, so I have been saving. I'm right on track to meet my goal.

I have to add a few more people to the list - sister's boyfriend's kids. So I am going to work hard to funnel a little extra money to the budget catagory.

3 Responses to “6 Months to Christmas (Eve)”

  1. scottish girl Says:

    That's my goal too, to have a cash-only Christmas. I've been saving money every month.

  2. Ima saver Says:

    I put aside $30 a week for christmas and birthday gifts!!

  3. CB in the City Says:

    I'm saving every $5 bill that comes my way for a cash-only Christmas.

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