Home > How's Everyone Doing In the Lunch Challange?

How's Everyone Doing In the Lunch Challange?

June 25th, 2010 at 05:29 pm

I've been seeing lots of updates in personal posts, but if you want to chime in with a quick note on how you're doing, that'd be great! I'll do a final Lunch Challange post on the 30th & we can all share how we did overall.

So far, I have bought lunch 1 time and bought a small snack 1 time (.55). I'm pretty happy with my results and will likely set a goal for July too, maybe with a little more leniency.

How are you guys doing?

3 Responses to “How's Everyone Doing In the Lunch Challange?”

  1. MonkeyMama Says:

    I bought lunch once - aimed for 4 times. I have been anti-social/busy this month.

  2. scottish girl Says:

    I've almost reached my goal of 16 days Smile been doing quite well, I think.

  3. Ima saver Says:

    I have not eaten luch out even once this month; but I don't work, so I know it is easier on me. We have only had dinner out twice this month!

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