Home > Been MIA - and spending updates

Been MIA - and spending updates

September 18th, 2010 at 04:24 pm

Well, I have been MIA. I was in the ER Monday night & out of work Tuesday through Thursday. There is a $150.00 copoay for the ER visit, which will be covered by my FSA plan. I went back to work yesterday after a follow up doctors appointment ($20 copay). After work, I ran some errands then rested up at home.

I plan on continuing the rest throughout the weekend. I feel better, but am not 100% yet. The last few days used up the last of my sick time, so I have to be very careful. Any more time, would have to be supplemented by my vacation time.

Yesterday, I spent:
$7.00 - Dollar store - groceries & greeting cards
$14.75 - lunch & dinner (salad & sandwich)
$47.79 - groceries (with lots of 'splurges' like bagel thins, strawberry yogurt & weight watchers muffins!)

Today, I spent $19.59 at WalMart. $9.88 of which was for a camping chair to take to my nephew's fall ball games. The rest went to shampoo, conditioner & deodorant. As for the chair - I lost the one I've used for years at a concert I attended this summer. So I'm happy to replace it, it will get MANY uses.

Today, I am running to the library ($0.75 fee to be paid) and then to my nephew's baseball game (free). I plan on watching library movies & reading at home tonight

Cash Envelope Balances (good through the 30th):

Kitty Litter: $10.00
Groceries: $29.43
Entertainment: $41.00
Weekend Wine Tour: $70 (this is a 2-day planned event with some good friends. This amount includes the ticker, food to picnic with & a bottle of wine)

4 Responses to “Been MIA - and spending updates”

  1. Ima saver Says:

    Glad you are feeling better and have good insurance. Our visit to the ER on aug. 1st cost us $7500, all out of pocket.

  2. momcents Says:

    Hope you're feeling better! Keep up the resting!

  3. HouseHopeful Says:

    Thanks guys, I'm working on feeling better, but its taking some time Smile

  4. Looking Forward Says:

    Feel better. Smile

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