Home > First of November

First of November

November 1st, 2010 at 09:08 pm

Today was already spendy. I spent $2.70 on breakfast (has a slow start to the morning).

I spent $30 for a copay for a medical test & $5.13 for medicine.

And oops, I forgot AGAIN to get stamps darnit!

My goals for November are to:

1. Stick to my budget
2. Pack lunch every day for work. Have lee-way with breakfast
3. Keep my heat off as long as possible.
4. Make a masterlist of all my financial information
5. Pay cash for all medical expenses
6. Pay an extra $196.00 to CC#1

1 Responses to “First of November”

  1. Ladya70 Says:

    That's funny, I just did #4 on your list this weekend. It helped me realize I have too many accounts. Good luck on all your goals.

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