Home > Moving Funds Around in my Budget

Moving Funds Around in my Budget

December 2nd, 2010 at 06:08 pm

I am moving some funds around in my cash budget. Here are my totals:

1. Medical $40
2. Cat litter/food: $55
3. Groceries: $60, now at $50.11 after groceries purchased yesterday
4. Entertainment; $60, now $32. I had a big night out the other night!

This cash budget has to last me until the 15th.

I packed breakfast, lunch & drinks today. However, yesterday I bought some food at the work cafe. That was my 1 day allowed for hte month if I want to complete my December Lunch Challenge.

In other news, I am nearly done my Christmas shopping and it was all done in cash. Yay!!

6 Responses to “Moving Funds Around in my Budget”

  1. Apprentice Bliss Hunter Says:

    Sounds great to me.. although you're not leaving much room for error. i.e. the budget looks tight to me - all the more impressive if you come in on target !

  2. snafu Says:

    Good on you for sticking to your plan to keep Christmas off the credit card and paying Cash. Bringing lunch is smarter for both your finances and your health. Restaurant foods have significant amounts of chemicals, salt MSG and chemicals I can't pronounce as extenders.

    I suggest keeping daily meds in a tube/container at the place you touch every morning, perhaps with your toothpaste or cell phone or the coffee you will make. Don't let yourself walk out the door if you haven't taken meds.

    How are you doing with finding a better paying job? Do you know that 85% of new jobs are never posted? the best jobs are referrals from friends and relatives. Let everyone you trust know you are seeking to move ahead, perhaps there are openings at their place of employment.

    If you wish to become better organized, there is a thread on that topic on the General Discussion forum

  3. scottish girl Says:

    Yay for a cash-only Christmas!! Smile

  4. HouseHopeful Says:

    The reason that my cash budget is so low is that I paid a bunch of medical bills already from this paycheck & the cash medical budget is to pay for 1 more medicine refill and a copay for a specialists appt. In the 2nd half of December, I will have more medical funds in my budget to cover the regular visit with my doctor.

    I have been hit with a lot of medical bills with this mystery illness and I'm working hard to pay cash instead of putting it on my credit card.

  5. HouseHopeful Says:

    Snafu, I should also add that when I pay my monthly 'bills', I include savings for yearly or quarterly expenses and normal savings. This is the only month that the budget is THAT tight. Because I already spent several hundred dollars on medical expenses and I am not including the rent I should be recieving in this budget. With that money included in the budget, I would normally have approximately $700 extra in my budget.

  6. HouseHopeful Says:

    Jerry - the medical expenses are for copays and meds because I ran out of my HSA money this year. Between thyroid surgery and my current myster illness (Which they can't seem to diagnose), I went WAY over the amount in my HSA. So for the last 2.5 months of the year, everything was cash. My insurance premiums are taken out of my check at payday

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