Home > Waiting for the Snow!

Waiting for the Snow!

December 26th, 2010 at 05:27 pm

We're supposed to have snow today. It just started with a few flakes. Of course the news is already making it into Snowpacalypse 2011. I ran out this morning for some veggies from the farmer's market - approx $8 spent.

Now I am home, on the couch, waiting for snow. I have a ton of laundry to do & that's my big plan for the day. I am watching movies on cable, have a few books from the library and plan on planting my butt on the couch until there's enough snow to have to clear out the driveway!

3 Responses to “Waiting for the Snow!”

  1. ThriftoRama Says:

    Yeah. I noticed that about the news, too. It's already snowing here. I don't mind. As long as we have food, electricity, and don't need to go anywhere, it can snow all it wants!

  2. Homebody Says:

    Snow expected in Reno, but it is sunny and beautiful right now.

  3. patientsaver Says:

    Plenty of snow on the ground now!

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