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More Roommate News

December 30th, 2010 at 01:11 pm

So the roommate came home after being at her parents for the holidays. I had emailed her yesterday with the question - what are you doing for January? (backstory: she gave 30 day notice back in late november, but did not move in December after all & is paid through Jan 9th).

Last night, she told me she's moving to Florida. She's going there for a job interview 1/3 and then on a short cruise and will be back around the 10th.

At that point, I told her that any days she (Or her STUFF) are here after the 9th, she will be charged rent divided by 31, which is roughly $15/day.

I will be sending her an email today confirming that arrangement, as well as stating that the day to day can continue through Jan, but as of end of day Jan 31st, I expect her to be completely moved out so that I can have a new renter start Feb 1st.

This means that my budget will have a shortfall in January. I will be looking closely at the budget & while I do have savings to cover the shortfall, I plan on doing everything I can to cover the shortfall without digging into savings.

1 Responses to “More Roommate News”

  1. Looking Forward Says:

    Well at least now you have some idea about what's going on. Good luck to the old roommate, sounds like she'll need it. And best of luck to you to finding a new, better roommate. Smile

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