Home > No Lazy Sunday for me!

No Lazy Sunday for me!

January 23rd, 2011 at 04:49 pm

I woke up this morning with some energy, so I am planning on getting a lot of stuff done.

I already went to the store for light yogurt, fat free cottage cheese & low fat sour cream. I've had breakfast, ran the dishwasher & made my today's To Do list!

I plan on being lazy about it, but I want to get things done Smile My reward will be to watch a library movie after everything is accomplished.

Today, I plan to:

1. Prep food for the week
2. Make all food for Monday
3. Clean kitchen & floor
4. Water plants
5. Clean living room
6. Dust & vacuum living room
7. Unload dishwasher
8. Light clean downstairs bath
9. Light clean upstairs bath
10. Change kitty litter
11. Change sheets on bed
12. Clean bedroom
13. Plan work outfits for week
14. Make mealplan for week

4 Responses to “No Lazy Sunday for me!”

  1. Savings Queen Says:

    WOW!!! You are on organized (and hardworking) person!!!

  2. patientsaver Says:

    i'm pooped already!

  3. creditcardfree Says:

    Good luck!!

  4. rob62521 Says:

    Wowee! You are a ball of fire! When you are done there, I can send you my address! :-)

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