The trip to Oktoberfest in Munich & to Amsterdam was phenominal. Came in under 'budget', but unfortunately some of the trip still went on a card. This was a splurge that I financially shouldn't have done, but mentally/emotionally, I needed.
I am home now & back to living frugally. I did buy fast food dinner on the way home from the airport Friday night.
Saturday, I had lunch with my parents at Olive Garden ($10) and completed some grocery shopping (approx $27).
Today, I went to the Farmer's Market and spent about $17 on TONS of fresh produce. I went to an Arbonne party at my sister's house (free food) and may buy 1 item at 50% off ($9.00). I will make the purchase tomorrow. And for going to the party, I received a set of make up brushes (which is actually needed).
As for the trip, I did come home with some toiletries. I found the complimentary body wash & shampoos in the (CLEAN/EMPTY) trash can in the hotel room - so I took them. All brand new, no reason to toss!
I am eating at home today, catching up on DVR'd shows & enjoying getting the house in order.
My roommate is moving out today & the new roommate is moving in Thursday-ish. She already gave me the deposit money & will provide the rent on her move in date.
I have goals for this week: $20 in entertainment money & I plan on packing breakfast/lunch/snacks for each work day this week. NO uncessary spending!
I plan on getting pictures uploaded tonight - expect some fun ones!
Back from Germany!
September 25th, 2011 at 07:35 pm
September 25th, 2011 at 07:50 pm 1316980247
September 26th, 2011 at 12:34 am 1316997282